Case Incident 1.1
I would recommend that Art should begin with allowing his managers to become innovative managers and allow them some room to figure things out for themselves; micromanagement does more bad than good. By frequently passing through, Art is demonstrating his lack of confidence in his managers, and they see that; without the confidence of your superiors, a leader will only work hard enough not to get fired. One skill that his subordinate managers should possess is conceptual skills, and if they do not demonstrate such skills and fail to comprehend management training given by Art, they need to go away and find employment elsewhere. Art began his business as an entrepreneur; now that he has managers under his charge, possibly influencing intrapreneurship within his tutelage may present a positive change for his business. Regardless of the strategy utilized, Art needs to ensure that the goal of the company and expectations of his managers are clear and concise; in this situation there is no room for ambiguity among his organizational short term and long term goals. Instead of micromanaging and trying to manage everything himself, being a firm delegator of authority in the management structure will be more effective.
Art himself must build on his own conceptual skills and understand how his own business should work together and teach that to his subordinates. Art should preach human relations skills to his managers and allow them to control their own offices;