Essay about Lolly: Major Depressive Disorder and Excessive Attention-seeking Behavior
Submitted By sarahhcoryell
Words: 1846
Pages: 8
Personality Disorders
Antisocial: Lack of moral or ethical development; inability to follow socially acceptable models of behavior; disregard for rights of others; behavioral problems as a child; lack of remorse or guilt
Narcissistic: Exaggerated sense of self-importance; preoccupation with being admired; lack of empathy unable to see things through another perspective; envious of others and think others are envious of them
Histrionic: Marked by excessive attention-seeking behavior; overly emotional; prone to irritability and emotional outbursts when not the center of attention; theatrical appearance and behavior; sexually provocative and seductive
Avoidant vs. Schizoid: Avoidant- hypersensitivity to rejection; insecurity in social situations; reluctance to enter social interactions; desire affection and are often lonely; inability to relate to others causes anxiety and low self- esteem; shy and insecure. Schizoid- marked by cognitive and perceptual distortions; excessively introverted; odd in their communication and behavior; superstitious thinking; sometime display psychotic symptoms when under stress.
Borderline: Impulsivity; instability in interpersonal relationships and self-image; drastic shits in affect; inappropriate anger; intense fear of abandonment; self-destructive behavior such as self-mutilation.
Obsessive-Compulsive: Excessive concern with maintaining order, rules, schedules, and trivial details; difficulty relaxing and having fun; seen as rigid, stubborn, and cold; perfectionistic; inefficient and inflexible
Dependent: Difficulty in separating in relationships; clinging and submissive behavior; acute fear of separation or being alone; indiscriminate in selection of mates
Depression vs. Mania vs. Mixed Episode: Depression- Feeling of extraordinary sadness and dejection. Mania-Intense, unrealistic feelings of excitement and euphoria. Mixed episodes- symptoms of both depression and mania seen in rapidly alternating moods.
Major Depressive Disorder: Prominent and persistent depressed mood and/or loss of pleasure for at least 2 weeks with 4 or more of the following symptoms
Poor appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, inability to concentrate, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fatigue, thoughts of death or suicide
Dysthymia: Depressed mood for most of the day, more days than not, for at least the past 2 years with at least 2 other depressive symptoms
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Recurrent major depression with a seasonal pattern
Bipolar Disorder: A major depressive episode and one or more manic or hypomanic episodes.
Cyclothymia: Cyclical mood changes that are less severe than the mood swings seen in bipolar disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Excessive anxiety and worry that is hard to control, occurring more days than not for at least 6 months
Panic Disorder: The presence of recurrent, unexpected panic attacks, followed by at least one month of constant concern about having another panic attack
Specific Phobias: Persistent fear of a specific object or situation which is thus avoided; level of fear is excessive or unreasonable relative to the actual danger posed by object or situation
Social Phobias: AKA ‘Social Anxiety Disorder’. Disabling fear of one or more social situations in which a person fears the scrutiny of others or that they might act in a way that would be embarrassing.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Recurrent obsessions or compulsions that cause significant distress or impairment
PTSD: Response to a traumatic event that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury to oneself or someone else
Conversion Disorder: Involves unexplained symptoms that suggest a neurological or other medical condition
Hypochondriasis: A preoccupation with the fear of having, or the idea that one has, a serious disease; Based on the person’s misinterpretation of bodily symptoms or functions; The fear continues despite reassurance from doctors, medical tests, etc.