Essay about Lolcats: Caffeine and Extended Experimental Investigation
Submitted By WendyBristow1
Words: 323
Pages: 2
3rd May 2013
Dear Parent / Guardian,
This term in Biology we have been studying the functions of the human body. An important part of the assessment is an Extended Experimental Investigation. This term, the investigation is on Homeostasis (how the body maintains a normal state). In our investigation, we are looking at what effect caffeine has on homeostasis.
As part of our investigation, caffeine will be used to examine the effects it has on heart rate, temperature, reaction rate, and blood pressure.
It is important to consider the possible side effects that the caffeine may have on your child. We will be staying within the recommended dosage that is provided on the packet and teacher supervision will be provided to watch over the administration of the caffeine. To avoid possible side effects as much as possible, we are not administering the caffeine to any student under the age of 12 and without heart conditions or already existing medical conditions. It is also important to consider that these possible side effects are only likely to occur if a person takes large amounts of the caffeine.
Possible Side Effects of Caffeine:
- Sleep problems
- Anxiety
- Loss of appetite
- Increased / decreased heart rate
- Stomach pain
- Headaches
- Abnormal heart rhythm
- Possible withdrawal symptoms
Our reason for using coffee is that it will allow us to administer known accurate doses of caffeine. Some students may be receiving a placebo (decaffeinated coffee) and will be unaware of