Essay on LLW Alcohol

Submitted By Pinkie65950
Words: 895
Pages: 4

The Brain

The Eyes

The Mouth

The Heart

Breast Cancer

The Lungs

The Liver

Small Intestines/Pancreas

The Stomach

The Legs

Handbag of Facts

Reproductive System

Talk before they are teens and before their friends do
Knowing when to start talking to your child about alcohol can be tricky. Children’s attitudes to alcohol change as they grow up, particularly during the transition from primary to secondary school, so it’s a good idea to talk to them before the teen years and before their friends do. The earlier you start the conversation the better, even if they seem too young. And once you’ve started, it’s important to keep the conversation going. Giving your children the facts from an early age makes sure they have accurate information to understand or challenge what their friends tell them and make responsible drinking decisions when they are faced with them.

Peer pressure and alcohol
As children get older they are more influenced by their friends and this can turn into pressure to drink. Prepare your kids for this by letting them know not everyone their age is drinking and they shouldn’t ever feel they have to drink to fit in. Despite the growing influence of their friends, you can still have a positive effect on your child’s behaviour and attitudes towards alcohol.

Will it encourage my children to drink if I talk to them about alcohol? The effect of talking to your children about alcohol
Although you might think school is the best place to learn about alcohol, alcohol education is not compulsory. So while alcohol may be mentioned in science classes, children might not get as much information as you think. Finding out what your child has learnt about alcohol at school, and discussing it in more depth at home, can be a good way to start a conversation about drinking.

Calories in alcohol
Did you know that a glass of wine can have the same calories as four cookies? How about a pint of lager – surprised to hear it’s often the calorific equivalent of a slice of pizza?
Why calories in alcohol are extra-fattening
Alcoholic drinks are made by fermenting and distilling natural starch and sugar.

Dealing with a hangover
Identify what causes a hangover and the best way to prevent one in the future.
Hangovers vary from person to person, but usually involve a headache, nausea, tiredness and dehydration.
Dehydration is one of the main causes of your hangover symptoms.
A hangover can leave you struggling to concentrate, feeling irritable and sensitive to light – not a good combination if you were planning to make the most of the day and not spend it in bed

What causes a hangover?
The main cause is ethanol – the alcohol in your drinks. It's a toxic chemical that works in the body as a diuretic, which means it makes you pee more and you can become dehydrated as a result. Dehydration is one of the main causes of your hangover symptoms.

How can you treat the symptoms of a hangover?
• As well as water, drink fresh juice to give yourself a vitamin boost. If you really need it, take a painkiller and an antacid to settle your stomach. Try a rehydration treatment sachet – they replace lost minerals and salt.
• Eat something - bananas and kiwis are a good source of potassium (a mineral you lose when you drink because of the diuretic effect of alcohol).
• Avoid hair of the dog - it only delays the problem.

Alcohol Use and Older Adults: