Literature and Class Writing Exercises Essay

Submitted By esterjuarbe
Words: 2303
Pages: 10

Florida Gateway College
Course Syllabus -- English 1102: Freshman English II
Writing About Literature
Fall 2014

Instructor: Serafin Roldan
Phone: 352-246-1091
Enc 1102: Section 012 ONLINE

Course Description: ENC 1102 is a general education communications course. This course focuses on the appreciation of imaginative literature with the following learning objectives:

A. Communications: Demonstrate the ability to understand and be understood through effective reading, wrtiting, speaking, and listening skills.

*Student will demonstrate the ability to understand and respond to college level reading assignments through the application of effective reading skills.

*Student will demonstrate the ability to understand and to produce effective writing.

*Student will demonstrate the ability to understand and produce effective listening and speaking skills.

B. Critical Thinking: Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to evaluate carefully and apply reasoning to differentiate between facts, inferences, assumptions, and conclusions.

*Student will demonstrate the ability to question and evaluate information (data, ideas, concepts) for accuracy, objectivity, and quality.

*Student will demonstrate the ability to analyze information (data, ideas, or concepts) in context to draw appropriate and well-supported conclusions.

*Student will demonstrate the ability to synthesize ideas from a variety of sources producing an original product.

Required Texts: The Seagull Reader: Stories, Poems, Plays edited by Joseph Kelly Access to: FGC Library Databases: “Literature Resources” (GALE)

Materials: a small notebook, folder, or binder to keep approximately 10-12 journal entries (1-2 pages each); access to word processing and the internet.

Attendance: Attending all class sessions is a key element to your success in this course especially because I use a workshop format. During weeks of writing workshops you will not be required to attend all class sessions which means attending your assigned workshop time is essential. After eight (8) absences you will earn an F in this class. Arriving late and leaving early will count as half an absence. If you need to contact me regarding an absence you may leave me a telephone message. If you know in advance that you need to miss a class, notify me and I can usually arrange to have you turn in required work early but your absence will still be counted as such.

Late Work: All assignments should be completed by the beginning of class on the day assigned. Late work is penalized, usually receiving no higher than a “C.” NO CREDIT AFTER ONE WEEK. If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, regardless of the reason, only partial credit will be allowed especially for essays which were to be shared and critiqued in writing workshop groups.

Evaluation: Stay positive about improving as a reader and writer. Keep in mind that I am evaluating your work, usually your writing, not you. If you feel disappointment about a grade, by all means make an appointment to see me. Discussing grades at the beginning or end of class does not usually give us enough time to review something as complex as an essay. Remember that the first revised, documented essay may be revised for a better grade.

Grade Distribution: All work will be counted and attendance will affect the final grade, but the following break-down shows approximate weights of the various assignments:

Four (4) revised, documented essays................................ 80% - 800 pts In-class essay................................................................ 10% - 100 pts Response journals and literary term quizzes ................. 10% - 100 pts

Academic Honesty: You are expected to follow the highest standards of honesty in your work. Cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, and fabrication are