Essay Lindbergh Kidnapping and Visit, Charles Lindbergh Jr .
Submitted By Decgirl1216
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Pages: 4
The Missing Lindbergh Baby
Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh gave birth to Charles A. Lindbergh Jr. on June 22, 1930. Charles Lindbergh was a famous for being the first to fly an airplane from New York to Paris which meant he was high in wealth . Being wealthy put a great target on the family, especially during the time of poverty during the Great Depression. The happy family now with their 20 month old baby were not expecting such a tragedy that put them on the front pages of America's newspapers. Charles Jr. Had caught a cold so the Lindbergh’s had decided that it would be better to wait until little Charles got over his cold before traveling to Anne’s parents for a visit,Charles Lindbergh Jr. was kidnapped on March 1, 1932. He was taken from his bedroom.There were posts in the newspapers and wanted posters in the city streets offering a ransom, for finding this child, but it wasn't enough.The Lindbergh baby’s body was found a few miles away from the Lindbergh’s home in the woods, and until this day no one knows who is the mastermind or masterminds behind this crime. I believe that there were three participants and one accessory to this crime. Behind this crime and that the person blamed for this murder was innocent.My major question is why wouldn't or didn't their dog bark? And this is a question that took me a while to answer but has lead me to one person that would or should have been blamed for this crime. Many people may disagree with me and think that they've already decided on whom to blame. And that was Bruno Richard Hauptmann, a german carpenter. He was arrested on September 19, 1934 and executed. The reason that they decided to prosecute Bruno Hauptmann for this crime mainly was because of the evidence found after searching his house. There was half of the ransom money found in a il tank located in his garage, along with a piece of the Lindbergh's ladder found in his attic. not only that but he was a well known carpenter and after finding all of this there was a tool found near the window of the kidnappers escape.Thee money found in his garage he claimed to be holding it for a friend, Isidore Fisch. The believed theory of this crime is that the ladder broke when he was escaping the house. Huaptmann and the child fell which is when Charles Jr.s death accured, and Lindbergh had given the ransom money to them not knowing his son was already dead. Hauptmann was caught with the ransom money, tried to hide it, and eventually executed for the crime. Then, on May 12, 1932, the decomposed body of a baby was found in the woods near the Lindbergh's house. The child had been dead, probably due to a fractured skull, since the night of the kidnapping. I believe that three people committed this crime but one