1. The classroom teacher greets the student upon arrival with positive regard and shows him/her the Teacher Check, Connect and Expect Daily Progress Reporting (DPR) card, pointing out the expected behaviors. The teacher demonstrates optimism about the student’s ability to meet the daily goal. The discussion takes 1-2 minutes. The teacher keeps the card (e.g., “Good morning Billy. How are you? I know you can show me safe, respectful, and learning behavior today and meet your goal of 48 points. Is there anything I can do to help? Have a great day.”).
1. The classroom teacher greets the student upon arrival with positive regard and shows him/her the Teacher Check, Connect and Expect Daily Progress Reporting (DPR) card, pointing out the expected behaviors. The teacher demonstrates optimism about the student’s ability to meet the daily goal. The discussion takes 1-2 minutes. The teacher keeps the card (e.g., “Good morning Billy. How are you? I know you can show me safe, respectful, and learning behavior today and meet your goal of 48 points. Is there anything I can do to help? Have a great day.”).
2. The classroom teacher connects with the student at the end of the 10 predetermined periods throughout the day. This usually corresponds to the schedule of activities/routines. The teacher provides brief feedback and rates the behavior for each expectation on the card.
a. The rating process is BRIEF (1minute).
b. Teachers are encouraged to provide specific verbal acknowledgement if the student has displayed any of the behaviors that demonstrate the behavioral expectations.
A reprimand during the rating process is not recommended as it is not likely to increase expected behavior.
A specific reminder and encouragement (followed by a pre-correction for tomorrow) are more likely to increase expected behavior foremost students. Note that the student is likely to have already been reprimanded when they exhibited the behavior.
Note: For specials (art, music, gym, etc, and middle school classes), the student brings TCCE card to each teacher at beginning of each period.
Teacher demonstrates optimism about the student’s ability to meet the daily goal for the class.
Teacher focuses on Safety, Respect, and Responsibility.
Greeting takes 15-20 seconds.
The student keeps the card in the middle school to give to the next teacher.
Student either brings the card to the teacher at end of period or teacher goes to student (predetermined).
Teacher provides feedback and scoring.
1. The classroom teacher greets the student upon arrival with positive regard and shows him/her the Teacher Check, Connect and Expect Daily Progress Reporting (DPR) card, pointing out the expected behaviors. The teacher demonstrates optimism about the student’s ability to meet the daily goal. The discussion takes 1-2 minutes. The teacher keeps the card (e.g., “Good morning Billy. How are you? I know you can show me safe, respectful, and learning behavior today and meet your goal of 48 points. Is there anything I can do to help? Have a great day.”).
2. The classroom teacher connects with the student at the end of the 10 predetermined periods throughout the day. This usually corresponds to the schedule of activities/routines. The teacher provides brief feedback and rates the behavior for each expectation on the card.
a. The rating process is BRIEF (1minute).
b. Teachers are encouraged to provide specific verbal acknowledgement if the student has displayed any of the behaviors that demonstrate the behavioral expectations.
A reprimand during the rating process is not recommended as it is not likely to increase expected behavior.
A specific reminder and encouragement (followed by a pre-correction for tomorrow) are more likely to increase expected behavior foremost students. Note that the student is likely to have already been reprimanded when they exhibited the behavior.
Note: For specials (art, music, gym, etc, and
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