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It is one of the curiosities of literary history that the strongholds of the Romantic Movement were England and Germany, not the countries of the romance languages themselves. Thus it is from the historians of English and German literature that we inherit the convenient set of terminal dates for the Romantic period, beginning in 1798, the year of the first edition of Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge and of the composition of Hymns to the Night by Novalis, and ending in 1832, the year which marked the deaths of both Sir Walter Scott and Goethe. However, as an international movement affecting all the arts, Romanticism begins at least in the 1770's and continues into the second half of the nineteenth century, later for American literature than for European, and later in some of the arts, like music and painting, than in literature. This extended chronological spectrum (1770-1870) also permits recognition as Romantic the poetry of Robert Burns and William Blake in England, the early writings of Goethe and Schiller in Germany, and the great period of influence for Rousseau's writings throughout Europe. The early Romantic period thus coincides with what is often called the "age of revolutions"--including, of course, the American (1776) and the French (1789) revolutions--an age of upheavals in political, economic, and social traditions, the age which witnessed the initial transformations of the Industrial Revolution. A revolutionary energy was also at the core of Romanticism, which quite consciously set out to transform not only the theory and practice of poetry (and all art), but the very way we perceive the world. Some of its major precepts have survived into the twentieth century and still affect our contemporary period.
Imagination The imagination was elevated to a position as the supreme faculty of the mind. This contrasted distinctly with the traditional arguments for the supremacy of reason. The Romantics tended to define and to present the imagination as our ultimate "shaping" or creative power, the approximate human equivalent of the creative powers of nature or even deity. It is dynamic, an active, rather than passive power, with many functions. Imagination is the primary faculty for creating all art. On a broader scale, it is also the faculty that helps humans to constitute reality, for (as Wordsworth suggested), we not only perceive the world around us, but also in part create it. Uniting both reason and feeling (Coleridge described it with the paradoxical phrase, "intellectual intuition"), imagination is extolled as the ultimate synthesizing faculty, enabling humans to reconcile differences and opposites in the world of appearance. The reconciliation of opposites is a central ideal for the Romantics. Finally, imagination is inextricably bound up with the other two major concepts, for it is presumed to be the faculty which enables us to "read" nature as a system of symbols.
"Nature" meant many things to the Romantics. As suggested above, it was often presented as itself a work of art, constructed by a divine imagination, in emblematic language. For example, throughout "Song of Myself," Whitman makes a practice of presenting commonplace items in nature--"ants," "heap'd stones," and "poke-weed"--as containing divine elements, and he refers to the "grass" as a natural "hieroglyphic," "the handkerchief of the Lord." While particular perspectives with regard to nature varied considerably--nature as a healing power, nature as a source of subject and image, nature as a refuge from the artificial constructs of civilization, including artificial language--the
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Christopher V 14 May 2012 The Life and Times of William Shakespeare "To be, or not to be: that is the question" (Hamlet Act III, Scene I). A famous quote that you may of heard many times throughout your life. A quote said by William Shakespeare, an influential man in the world of the arts. Shakespeare was baptized April 26 1564 and died April 23 1616. His actual birth date is unknown, but is traditionally celebrated on April 23. He was an English poet and play writer and was known as the greatest…
The recent GAO study on audit firm rotation also reported that auditor tenure does not affect the manner in which auditors deal with material financial reporting issues. A GAO survey found that approximately 69% of the Tier 1 CPA firms (10 or more public clients) and 73% of the Fortune 1000 public companies surveyed did not believe long-term auditor relationships increase the risk of audit failures. Yet, 38% of these CPAs and 65% of the Fortune 1000 company respondents acknowledged that investor…
One of the most significant times in my life was when my mother went to rehab. Mom was twenty eight years old when she started smoking crack cocaine. I didn't really know what to think when I found out that she was going to rehab and using drugs. I was young but I knew I was mad at her for doing that to herself and thought that I would never forgive her. I prayed that I would get to see my mother again but really wasn't sure if I would. She relasped several times throughout her cleansing process…
We all go through a consequence in our life time or every day, depending on what kind of person we truly are. One consequence I went through was fighting, for my first time ever I may have a big mouth but I never got to the point where I’d actually hit someone until one Sunday afternoon. I’m usually pretty honest to my mom I tend to tell her how it is, always letting her know what’s new or what’s been going on but this Sunday I wasn’t sure if I should’ve told her after lit has happened I wanted…
Out of the seven habits, I would say that I possess five of them which are (1) be proactive, (2) begin with the end in mind, (4) think "win-win", (5) seek to understand, and then to understand, and (6) synergize. With work, my social life, family, friends, and relationship, I have always been the person who people can trust, feel loyal with, and be honest with. Growing up I've always had a big heart and making friends was easy for me because I got along very well with numerous people with different…
illustrates the gross cost to acquire new customer in each segment. Also shown is the Customer Life time Value of Customers in each segment with 35% Discount rate ( Computed Previously for Q3). Also calculated is the percentage Profit over lifetime, which is calculated as percentage of money over Gross Cost to acquire a particular type of account. %Profit over lifetime = (A – B)/B *100 Where A is Customer life time Value and B is Gross Cost to acquire per customer Segments / Segment description Number…
Assignment 3.2 For part one of this assignment I choose to apply the Manage your Time and Life and Become an Active Reader, to my school work. For two weeks I applied these simple tasks to my everyday work and it helped me a lot. I can already see a difference and I will most definitely continue to use them. For 'Manage your Time and Life", I was to make a schedule that helped me to organize my time and studying. I made a new one every week and it is helping me to be more organized and to not slack…