Library Resources Worksheet
Answers to all of the following questions can be found on the pages of the library’s website ( The questions are based on three of the navigational tabs on the library homepage:
(Note: a partial line is provided for your answer; when you type on the line it will automatically extend.)
1. Navigate to the databases page from the FIND IT area to explore the various ways these resources are arranged (by name, major, and type). Find the ranked list of the most popular databases based on usage (Top Ten) and identify the five that are currently getting the most traffic:
1. _RIA Checkpoint____________
2. _eBrary____________
3. _Factiva____________
4. _LexisNexis Academic____________
5. _Safari Tech Books Online____________
2. Navigate to JOURNAL FINDER from the FIND IT area. This takes you to a search tool for finding which of our databases includes specific journals. Under Find E-Journals by title or identify number: make sure the search option is set to “Title begins with…”. Search for the Journal of Education by entering the title (Journal of Education) in the search terms box, and then click on Search.
Review the databases listed for the Journal of Education (Boston, Mass.). (The databases should appear as blue links). Identify two databases where you can find articles from this publication.
1. _Academic Search Complete____________
2. _Education Resource Complete____________
Click on one of the databases and review the results: another window will open on your computer displaying the publication details for the Journal of Education. (Click on the X on the tab of the new window to close it.)
3. Go to the Franklin Catalog from the FIND IT area. Click on eBooks to search for a book on time management that you can read from your computer. Enter the words time management in the search terms box. In the Select Limits section, verify that eBooks is selected in the Material Type field. Click on Submit.
Look at the first eBook in the list. Identify the title, author(s), publisher, and the year it was published on the lines below:
Title: _Time management in an Instant 60 ways to make the most of your day_____
Author: _Karen Leland_______
Publisher: __Franklin Lakes, N.J. : Career Press __________
Year: ____2008________
4. Course reserves are materials that faculty have reserved in the library for students to use for a class. From the FIND IT area, click on the Course Reserves tab. Click on the course link (in the Borrowing section). In the Course name or number field, type the name of the course PF 321 (with a space between the F and the 3) we will search for, and click on Submit. A screen showing the lead faculty, course, course notes (circulation information), and a list of the materials will be displayed. Identify one item in the course reserve materials list for PF 321. How long does it circulate?
Material: Professional Foundations : Learning Strategies / Franklin University._________________________________________________
5. In the Research Help drop-down box, click on APA. This research guide includes a section on Evaluating Sources.
Review the information on evaluating sources, specifically the information which suggests you evaluate your sources according to the