Letter to Editor
Dear Santa Fe Local News,
We the Santa Fe Toro’s are looking for a 2% tax raise for the Santé Fe Community. We are looking for this because we want to remodel our stadium. Not just for us but for our community. We want a perfect stadium that we can all share, and claim equally. As you may know our stadium is roofless and we only have 39,000 seats. With the remodel we can add the roof and add more seats. Our competitor 49ers stadium holds double the seats. As we plan on growing our team to the max, you will need more seats so the struggle of no tickets available will not happen as much. Now don't just think about that were trying to get more fans which is one of goals. We also want to do this for the children who will play football, without a stadium a football team might not be able to form which could cancel a child’s dream to play. I looked over our files and nearly 100% of the people in New Mexico said they would attend our games if we remodeled to different likings. The cost of a stadium is normally 720 million. But we won't need that much to do what we plan on doing. So we hope you consider spreading this in your newspaper because we know a lot of people enjoy reading the paper while sipping on the morning brew. Do it for you, us, the team, and the community. Sincerely Stadium Manager, Tanner Chilcote X
Target Market In my letter I am targeting two groups of people. First I’m targeting parents. I