University of Maryland University College Turnitin Originality Similarity Index:
MGMT 670 April 22, 2013
Long or short term projects or activities in most cases adjourn with a lessons learned or “hot wash” activity so as to provide information on what went right, what went wrong, and to provide a performance rating of the team members. Lessons learned provide value to project/team members, as it allows for the way ahead for identifying potential risks, challenges, or even opportunities that the group may encounter when accomplishing the tasks at hand. DigiCam effectively participated in a virtual business simulation game focused on marketing, business strategy, and competing with several digital camera Thompson notes this as one of the options for an offensive strategy, “deliberately attacking those market segments where a key rival makes big profits” (2010, p.109). Another offensive strategy used was offering an equally good or better product at a lower price. With our low cost strategy, DigiCam sought to go on the offense by offering both our entry-level and multi-featured cameras at lower prices than rivals. However, our competitors routinely responded by shifting prices year-after-year in response to DigiCam’s attempts to gain a market share in targeted regions. In regards to defensive strategies, the company probably faltered by not protecting regions areas such as Latin and North America from offensive maneuvers by rival companies. Basically in these regions, DigiCam stood pat and only employed minimum market and promotion strategies. In all competitive markets, all firms are subject to offensive challenges from rivals (Thompson, 2010, p.111). This is precisely why DigiCam should have taken up more of a defensive posture against rival firms.
Strategic Approaches DigiCam sought the middle ground and pursued the Think Global, Act Local strategy. The Think Global, Act Local “approach entails utilizing the same basic competitive theme (low-cost, differentiation, best-cost, or focused) in each country but allowing local managers the latitude to (1) incorporate minor country-specific variations in product attributes to better satisfy local buyers,
1 Anthony Martinez Mrs.Nole English 098124 02215 A Lesson Learned Mistakes are a common thing for everyone, no one can call themselves a perfect human being in fact, making one simple mistake is actually a good thing. Not only does it make you realize you did something wrong, but it changes your way of doing things for example, I never did my homework and I never studied enough while I was in high school, luckily I came to my senses and realized I needed to step up and change my actions towards passing senior year…
Lessons Learned Paper Steven University of Phoenix Lessons Learned Paper Critical Thinking I learned so much more about critical thinking then I ever knew before I attended this class. I learned about critical thinking in previous classes and I thought I had a good understanding of the subject. I now understand that information was the foundation for this class. In class this week, I learned to use critical thinking to identify assumptions and situatedness in people’s writing and speaking…
Gwen Oliveras Professor Solley ENC0017 4 October 2014 Regretful Lesson Learned I constantly think about my high school career and wonder how I could have made things better. Throughout life many people have parents or a guardian to guide you through life with the do’s and dont’s in life, I wish I took time to listen to them instead of reality slapping me in the face. My very first year of high school was of course a transition because it’s the start of the years where you find yourself. I was not…
Lessons Learned Paper Na’Kisha Sherrard, MS University of Phoenix Lessons Learned Paper Connecting with a group of doctoral students for the first residency is very frightening. Several students admitted to having feelings of misperception, worry, or uncertainty. Meeting someone new is certainly not comfortable, however the expectations and anxiety of a doctoral program is sufficient for someone to ask why one would choose to undertake a huge venture. This residency…
Fay Agyepong Mr.Caputo February 9, 2014 A lesson Learned on Vacation The door slammed against the wall as my dad walks in. “What in God’s name are you still doing in bed?” He said as he barged in. I ignore him, throw the cover over my head and faked snoring. He strode out of the room and I thought he left without a fight, but three seconds later he walked back into the room and drenched us with two cups…
Lessons Learned summary of the Week 4 Chapter 7: Options and Actions (Response Planning) The lesson learned from this chapter, option and action response planning is, the steps of response planning which ensures that appropriate actions are identified for each risk. I got to understand that threats are minimized and opportunities are maximized when these actions are implemented in the response planning. I learnt that there are certain activities that need to be undertaken in other to complete this…
ASCOTech Novel Approaches to Educational Technology: Lessons Learned from Steve Jobs James Kundart OD, MEd, FAAO Optometric Education welcomes Dr. Kundart as the editor of ASCOTech. He is the Chairman of the Educational Technology Special Interest Group for the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry. He is a researcher and author and an Associate Professor at the Pacific University College of Optometry. A t the American Academy of Optometry meeting last October in Boston, many of us…
Lessons Learned from the American Experience in Vietnam DeVry University HUMN415: Vietnam and the 20th Century Experience Spring A 2010 Lessons Learned from the American Experience in Vietnam The Vietnam War was a war that seems to have thought the American Military and Government officials a lot about diplomatic negotiations, presidential leadership, and cultural/social contexts. Each American involved most likely has a different story to tell about the War from the ground soldiers all…
This pack of BUS 697 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 Lessons Learned Analysis consists of: One key concept in project management is to learn from previous projects. The Lessons Learned review allows an organization to collect and document the results of both successful and failed projects. Give an overview of a project you were involved with as a leader or team member. Choose three of the project areas listed below and answer one question from each group of questions found in Chapter 12 of…
Hiding Place Lessons Learned in The Hiding Place John and Elizabeth Sherrill’s “The Hiding Place” is the story of Corrie ten Boom’s life in Holland during WWII. Corrie is a Christian helping to hide Jews across the country while leading a large underground organization from her home the Beje. As a child Corrie learns many life lessons which she goes back to in times of trouble during her work with the underground and later during her prison sentence. While reading this book I learned three very important…