FOCUS QUESTION: What relationships are there between numbers?
ATTAINMENT TARGET: Model patterns, expressions and number relationships using concrete objects.
OBJECTIVES: Pupils should be able to: 1. determine the place value of a digit in a given whole number. 2. read and write whole numbers in figures and words.
SKILLS: Estimating and measuring, recording, comparing, reading and writing whole
RESOURCE MATERIALS: Place value charts, and word cards, die.
KEY VOCABULARY: whole number, ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, million
OBJECTIVES: 1, 2 Pupils will: * review the place value of whole numbers up to million. * copy place value chart in their notebooks. * be presented with some numbers. * be instructed to write each given number on the place value chart, read the number and write it in words. * examine the following instruction: Write a number with 4 in the ten thousand place, 5 in the tens place, 3 in the thousand place and 8 in the ones place. Teacher will select pupils to place number cards * correctly on the place value chart. * read the number made and write it in words. * do other examples.
ASSESSMENT: Pupils will be involved in the ‘Math Lotto’ game. Teacher will throw Die and instruct pupils to make various numbers. Pupils will Afterwards. Write the numbers in words.
EVALUATION: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Objectives: 1, 2, 12
. Pupils will: * read the following statements.
I am Ronnie. Aaron and Ronnie are friends. Aaron likes Ronnie. Aaron and
Ronnie like to play cricket in the park. Come and join Aaron and Ronnie in a
game on Saturday.
* say what words they change in order to improve the statements and what words they would put in their places. * read this next version:
I am Ronnie. Aaron and I are friends. He likes me. We like to play cricket in
the park. Come and join us in a game on Saturday.
Pupils will: * say what they notice about the words underlined. (They replace the
Nouns). What do we call words that are used in place of nouns? (pronouns).
Teacher will: * explain to pupils that there are referred to as Personal Pronouns because they refer to persons. There are two types of personal pronouns. Those used as the subject of the sentence (Subject Pronouns) and those used as the Object (Object Pronouns). Pupils will copy