Pedagogical Components
I.N. 1
Learning Objective is measurable and understandable
Learning Objective: . Students will demonstrate knowledge of the main factors in the major biomes.
I.N. 4
Questioning techniques ensure demonstration of HOTS
Essential Questions:
What are the factors that determine a biome? How are they different around the world?
I.N. 2 & 3
All four language domains are activated daily.
Language Activities:
Read: Open book exam, read carefully
Writing write correct answers
I.N. 5
Frequent and purposeful checking for understanding
Checking for Understanding (CFU) Strategies:
Random Call: cards CFU Strategies: correct information on exam
I.N. 4
Questioning techniques ensure demonstration of HOTS
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS):
What biome do we live in? What are human impacts for each biome?
Plan for Special Populations:
EL: English support
Sp Ed: para support
Questions to take to Collaboration:
Pedagogical Components
I.N. 1
Learning Objective is measurable and understandable
Learning Objective: . Students name the main features of their biome in project form.
I.N. 4
Questioning techniques ensure demonstration of HOTS
Essential Questions: