Essay on Lesson 1 Assignment

Submitted By TWilson25
Words: 644
Pages: 3

The cerebral cortex’s role in processing intellectual and emotional information is complex. There are four lobes in the cerebral cortex, which are: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. Each lobe has a certain role to play in understanding and processing all types of information. Any issues in processing information can directly affect cognitive and sensory function. The main lobe, in terms of intellectual and emotional information, is the frontal lobe. Gray matter makes up most of the cerebral cortex. The common belief is that the more gray matter in the brain, the “smarter” the person is. There have been studies that have shown a correlation between intelligence and gray matter, and have shown an increase in gray matter has been related to higher intelligence. The frontal lobe is one of the four major lobes in the brain and is divided into three divisions. The prefrontal cortex is the division of the frontal lobe that is related to personality and deals with most of the intellectual and emotional information processed. Damage to this lobe has shown changes in a person’s behavior, as well as intellect. In some cases, those who were affected by damage to the prefrontal lobe were unable to continue living a normal life. These same cases have been found to have related lack of appropriate emotional responses to certain situations. Changes in these lobes directly affect the plasticity of the brain throughout a person’s lifetime. Damage to the gray matter in the cerebral cortex can cause the brain to conform and change. In terms of plasticity, anything new learned creates a new change in plasticity. In relation to damage to the prefrontal cortex, a change in behavior leads to a change in plasticity, as it’s the brain’s way of conforming and creating new connections. The relationship between the brain and mental disorders can be a simple or complex connection. Diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia, are deeply rooted in the functions of certain parts of the brain and its lobes. In some schizophrenia patients, it has been found to have a correlation between the negative symptoms of the disease and problems in the frontal cortex of the brain. While correlation is not always causation, there have been studies that can conclude a statistic correlation between the two. When a patient has been observed with the beginning stages of schizophrenia, there has also been found to be impairment in frontal function of the brain. In a study, healthy patients were found to be able to utilize their frontal function, while diseased patients did not have the ability to effectively utilize their frontal functions. However, in cases where patients were treated with