Ashleigh Tucker
Learned Optimism/Attributional Style Assignment Part II Participant 1 The results of the 3 tests from Participant 1 seem to show balanced. The results from the GRIT test determined the Participant has extreme selfcontrol as well as having the tendency to sustain interest in and effort toward very longterm goals.
The Explanatory Style test results were also consistent. The Participant scaled average in Hope
Score, Personalized Bad, both Permanent Good and Bad, as well as Pervasiveness Bad.
Pervasiveness Good, the Participant scaled ‘very optimistic’, meaning they believe in good events are the universe or some higher power controlling situations.
The results from the Attributional Style Questionnaire suggest the participant is generally happy.
I however, would suggest an alternative way to cope with negative situations. The scale ranges from 3 at best to 21 at worstthe Participant scored 13.2, past the halfway mark on the negative side of the scoring scale. The difference between Composite Positive and Composite Negative is only 3.9, with +18 is the highest, the Participant may need to focus more on positive outcomes. Participant 2 The results from Participant 2 were as follows: GRIT test determine the participant has maintains an average amount of selfcontrol, scoring 3.5 on a 5point scale.
The Explanatory Style test results were also consistent. The Participant scaled an average of
‘moderate’ in Hope Score,