Leadership Essay

Submitted By adams1992
Words: 860
Pages: 4

“The concept of collaborative leadership challenges conventional thinking and popular leadership theories by elevating the importance of interpersonal dynamics between people engaged in collective action in change-oriented environments,” (Cox, 2009, p. 1). In today’s organizations leadership is no longer viewed as a top-down practice. While the dominant models of leadership portray a style of hierarchical systems of power, the collaborative approach inspires a shared vision amongst all members. “The Leadership Challenge,” discussed in class, will be used throughout this paper to connect the collaborative leadership style back to the five practices of exemplary leadership outlined in chapter 1: “model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart,” (Kouzes & Posner, 2012, p. 15). In most hierarchically organized companies, employees keep their opinions to themselves, do their job, and offer no feedback, (Standfield, 2003). It is imperative that organizations adjust their internal leadership styles to the changing political, economic, legal, and social factors to allow for all employees to voice their opinions on how the organization can operate more effectively. When participation is practiced with involvement of employees at all levels, mutual respect, and high creativity being rewarded, a new collaborative style is realized (Stanfield, 2003). Where power and control games ruled, organizations are now in favour of a more creative process and partnership. The old style of leadership stressed that decisions ought to be made by top executives and management. But utilizing a collaborative leadership system, organizations now stress representative or direct participation in making decisions. This approach allows for employees at all levels to offer insight on the effectiveness of the company.

Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The leadership challenge (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Cox, J. D. (2009). Leadership without a leader: An exploratory study of collaborative leadership. (Order No. 3359818, Capella University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 260-n/a. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/305159331?accountid=9744. (305159331).
- Collaboration requires a mindset that reaches beyond a systems-based thinking; rather, it requires people to understand and reflect the complex and process nature of human interaction. This mindset challenges the dominant discourse in a radical way, offering in its place assumptions of seeing individual and organization simultaneously as part of the same social construct.
- Transformational leadership theory. “Transformational leaders inspire followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes by providing both meaning and understanding” (Boerner et al., 2007, p. 16). Humphreys (2001) said this inspiration is accomplished based on a value system where the leader demonstrates charisma, motivates followers through inspiration, stimulates the intellectual capabilities of followers, and is attuned to the individuality of 31followers. Focus is placed on cultivating dedication on the part of followers, not because of any self-interest exchange but rather on the belief that what is being done is for the good of the whole. Under this leadership approach, “leaders and followers share mutual interests and a sense of shared fates and interdependence” (Bass & Avolio, 1993, p. 116). Transformational leaders are considered to be visionary change agents and have the ability to use instability and uncertainty to institute change in an organization. Transformational leaders guide people as they develop shared meanings about organizational topics such as values, issues, and operations (Kent, Crotts, & Azziz, 2001). To accomplish this concept of sharing, Yukl (2002) said that leaders “Articulate a clear and appealing vision. Explain how the vision can be attained. Act confidently and