Lecture Notes in Computer Science:
Authors’ Instructions for the Preparation of Camera-Ready Contributions to LNCS/LNAI/LNBI Proceedings
Alfred Hofmann , Brigitte Apfel, Ursula Barth, Christine G¨ unther, Ingrid Haas, Frank Holzwarth, Anna Kramer, Leonie Kunz,
Nicole Sator, Erika Siebert-Cole, and Peter Straßer
Springer-Verlag, Computer Science Editorial,
Tiergartenstr. 17, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany
ingrid.haas,frank.holzwarth,anna.kramer,leonie.kunz,nicole.sator, erika.siebert-cole,peter.strasser,lncs}@springer.com http://www.springer.com/lncs
Abstract. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 150 words. It should be written using the abstract environment.
Key words: We would like to encourage you to list your keywords within the abstract section
You are strongly encouraged to use LATEX 2ε for the preparation of your cameraready manuscript together with the corresponding Springer class file llncs.cls.
Only if you use LATEX 2ε can hyperlinks be generated in the online version of your manuscript.
The LATEX source of this instruction file for LATEX users may be used as a template. This is located in the “authors” subdirectory in ftp://ftp.springer.de/ pub/tex/latex/llncs/latex2e/instruct/ and entitled typeinst.tex. There is a separate package for Word users. Kindly send the final and checked source and PDF files of your paper to the Contact Volume Editor. This is usually one of the organizers of the conference. You should make sure that the LATEX and the PDF files are identical and correct and that only one version of your paper is sent. It is not possible to update files at a later stage. Please note that we do not need the printed paper.
Please note that the LNCS Editorial assumes that all authors have used the western naming convention, with given names preceding surnames. This determines the structure of the names in the running heads and the author index.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Authors’ Instructions
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not possible to modify a paper in any way, once it has been published. This applies to both the printed book and the online version of the publication. Every detail, including the order of the names of the authors, should be checked before the paper is sent to the Volume Editors.
Checking the PDF File
Kindly assure that the Contact Volume Editor is given the name and email address of the contact author for your paper. The Contact Volume Editor uses these details to compile a list for our production department at SPS in India.
Once the files have been worked upon, SPS sends a copy of the final pdf of each paper to its contact author. The contact author is asked to check through the final pdf to make sure that no errors have crept in during the transfer or preparation of the files. This should not be seen as an opportunity to update or copyedit the papers, which is not possible due to time constraints. Only errors introduced during the preparation of the files will be corrected.
This round of checking takes place about two weeks after the files have been sent to the Editorial by the Contact Volume Editor, i.e., roughly seven weeks before the start of the conference for conference proceedings, or seven weeks before the volume leaves the printer’s, for post-proceedings. If SPS does not receive a reply from a particular contact author, within the timeframe given, then it is presumed that the author has found no errors in the paper. The tight publication schedule of LNCS does not allow SPS to send reminders or search for alternative email addresses on the Internet.
In some cases, it is the Contact Volume Editor that checks all the final pdfs.
In such cases, the authors are not involved in the checking phase.
Additional Information Required by the Volume Editor