Mike Christensen December 10, 2009 CM 385: Section 1 Final Paper How Can A Contractor Avoid Liability for Defective Work? Every contract created produces a margin of risk and a platform for success. Depending on how one manages the risk assumed, one may either excel and shine in the glory of success or drown and disappear in the raging waters of error. Nevertheless, to become great one must take that step of faith into the flailing wind. As said by Leo F. Buscalglia, “The person who risks nothing – does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn… and grow… and live.” (Buscalglia, 2009) The contractor who is bound to the owner must understand the risk…show more content… The most identifiers for these failures are unsatisfactory material, workmanship, or design; all of these produce results that do not comply with the contract requirements. In reference to the three common identifiers mentioned above, the most difficult to resolve is the case where the material is defective – who is responsible – the owner, architect, manufacturer, or contractor? The variety of materials is so vast and the testing so limited, that the various personnel mentioned above try to cut costs without assuming the liability. In the case, Wood-Hopkins Contracting Co. v. Masonry Contractors Inc., Masonry Contractors Inc. contracted to install and clean the masonry for an apartment complex in Atlanta, Georgia. Upon substantial completion, water was found leaking into the apartment due to the recently constructed masonry wall. Wood-Hopkins immediately accused Masonry Contractors Inc. for the defective work and requested that they waterproof the entire structure (a cost of $12,255.00). Masonry Contractors Inc. recognized that the leak came from the wall constructed by their crew, but affirmed that the contract
SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC DIPLOMA IN MARITIME BUSINESS MARITIME LAW (MA0123) ASSIGNMENT 2 Group Assignment Article III Rule 1 of the Hague-Visby Rules deals with the shipowner’s obligation to make the vessel seaworthy. The common law also requires the shipowner to make the vessel seaworthy. How do they differ? Discuss the two with suitable case laws. Lim Jia Yan 1137136 DMB/FT/3B/21 Guo ShanShan…
Who is a home Inspector? Home inspector" means any person licensed as a home inspector pursuant to the provisions of this act. Engaged by the client Works for fee. "What is a Home inspection" "Home inspection" means a visual, functional, non-invasive inspection conducted for a fee or any other consideration and performed without moving personal property, furniture, equipment, plants, soil, snow, ice, or debris, using the mandatory equipment and including the preparation of a home inspection report…
several respects and was not in a fit and habitable condition. Counsel for the plaintiff relied in particular on two Australian cases in which it had been held that the susceptibility of a building to a local authority requisition constituted a defect in title. In his judgment Henry J said “The objection to title does not relate to any requirement of the Land Transfer Act 1952 and, accordingly, the common law rule is to be applied. That rule puts a vendor under a duty to make good title to…
predisposition although evidence from obstetric reports provides information that complications or infections during pregnancy and birth may contribute to schizophrenia. In addition some research suggests that psychological stressors may bring out the latent pathology if the patient is genetically predisposed (Gleitman, 1999). The stronger the predisposition, the less stress would be required to ignite the disorder. Social class and the family environment have been said to have an impact on schizophrenia…
an action be brought against a manufacturer for a failure to inspect a part properly? Cardozo Opinion- Says "YES" negligence can be used as a claim against a manufacturer if a product was defective and the manufacturer should have known of the defect ○ Negligence became a claim that could be made against a manufacturer due to problems in industry in those days. ○ Any number of claims could happen in a product: negligent quality control, post production testing and inspection, negligent…
Question 1. What are the key lessons learned from your PMP Assignment? Subsidiary plans 1. Scope Management Plan: What to deliver as agreed by all stakeholders. * Project objectives * Deliverables * Milestone * Technical requirements/ realistic * Time- limited * Reviews with stakeholders 2. Procurement Management Plan: Define the procurement requirements and management of the documentation through contract closure. * Items to be procured * Types of contract used…
TYPE III TYROSINEMIA Abstract Tyrosinemia happens at whatever point both parents carry a latent gene characteristic for the condition. Both parents regularly have no signs or side effects of tyrosinemia which happens at whatever point their future generations inherits one duplicate of the mutated gene from each one parent. Type III tyrosinemia is a very rare disorder with only a couple of cases ever reported. Type III tyrosinemia is brought about by an insufficiency of the 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate…
Mario and the Magician Illness and Deformity In Thomas Mann's "Mario and the Magician," Mann uses illness and deformity to symbolize the driving force towards disaster. It is in the illness of the characters that the setting for disaster is made, which then beings on a downward spiral once the character of Cipolla enters the story. Cipolla is not only mentally ill, but he is deformed. Much of his deformity is left a mystery for it is described so vaguely by the narrator. The first episode of…
effects if left untreated will eventually lead to; damage in the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, joints, liver, bones, and blood vessel. • In extreme cases (latent and late stages), can cause paralysis, mental illness, gradual blindness, difficulty co-ordinating muscle movements and even death. • If you’re pregnant, it can cause serious birth defects and stillbirth. • Methods of prevention are; not having sex, having a mutually monogamous relationship with your partner and has been tested and has…
PRESENTED BY Minash Keshwani Ayisat Omotayo Atinuke Bangbelu Oluwatosin Odetila Halimat Haleem Kafayah Ojugbele What is HIV/AIDS HIV means Human immunodeficiency virus AIDS means Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. This is a disease of the human immunodeficiency virus. Acronym H I – Human – This particular virus can only affect human begins. – Immunodeficiency – HIV decrease the immune system by destroying important cells that fight diseases and infections. V – Virus – Virus…