Today the United States of America can be considered as one of the world’s most influential countries. Now, how did it get to be this way? Well, our country has been built upon the contributions of many different cultures and nations. It is through these contributions that the U.S. has become the diverse and unified country it is today. Prior to the American Revolution there were several different contributions made in the shaping of our country. Through the introduction of agriculture from the Native Americans and through the institution of slavery in the first colonies, a social and economic construction was built in our surfacing nation. These contributions are still evident in our present day American society and can even be considered as lasting legacies. The Native American’s provided colonial America with an economic contribution through the introduction of agriculture. It was May of 1607 when the first colonists settled in Jamestown. Upon arriving they built a wooden fort in a triangular shape containing a church, several houses, and a warehouse for weapons and other supplies. By that summer the colony was faced with hardships such as hunger, disease and potential attacks from the neighboring Algonquian tribes. By early 1608, however, John Smith, a captain and leader of the Jamestown colony, had come to an understanding with the Powhatan Indians where a very necessary trade was established. The Native American’s often traded corn for beads, tools, and other objects from the colonists, who would depend on this trade in the first years of their settlement. In 1609 the colony faced a harsh winter with starvation, illness, malnutrition and chaos. Many “roamed the woods for nuts and berries, dug up graves to eat the corpses, and died in batches until five hundred colonists were reduced to sixty” (Drawing The Color Line, 24). After that winter when all hope had been lost for the remaining settlers and they were just about ready to give up, a new ship came in with more colonists and supplies. In the years to follow, though still on hostile terms with each other, the colonists were able to pick up on certain aspects and techniques from the Algonquian tribes. “…By the fall of 1611 had managed to harvest a decent crop of corn themselves. They had also learned other valuable techniques from the Algonquians, including how to insulate their dwellings against the weather using tree bark, and expanded Jamestown into a New Town to the east of the original fort”(Jamestown Colony, 2). In 1614 John Rolfe and Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan, were married. This established a somewhat peaceful truce between the two peoples and through the launch of John Rolfe’s tobacco seed and the techniques and knowledge of the land from the Native Americans, the colonists were able to grow and harvest a successful tobacco crop that eventually led to a thriving economy. Without the Native American’s techniques and knowledge of the land, it is evident that the colony of Jamestown would not have survived and would not have established such a thriving economy based off these agricultural aspects. Geography played a key role in the introduction of agriculture to the colonists. Being that the colonists had just arrived to the New World, they did not particularly know the land and how to cultivate it. Now being that the Native Americans had been inhabiting this land for quite some time, they knew how to work the land to their advantages. Many of the tribes located around that area were near various rivers and water sources making the earth fertile and a good place to grow healthy crops. Though the English brought their own seeds to plant, the Native Americans also introduced them to many crops specific to the land of the New World such as maize, pumpkins, corn and many fall and winter crops that helped them survive the brutal winters. With the fertile land, new crops and techniques that the English had obtained, they were
Magagna Political Science 113A 8 December 2012 Lasting Legacies The impact of Confucianism in East Asia continues to mold and shape individuals’ actions so they can lead better lives that will have a positive effect on society. This can be achieved once the individual reaches a better understanding about their mutual obligations – that a proper society is revolved around give and take. It is the individuals who keep the lasting legacies of Confucianism through their patterns of knowledge…
American Government A Lasting Legacy Introduction There are many places, people, and organizations that have had a great impact on America. Some are monuments; one in particular stands as an ideological symbol of our nation. Some are former presidents; one who was a prior military leader who went on to lead our country. Some are simply known for a strong devotion to serving the American people. Mount Rushmore has become one of the most recognized tourist…
Ideological legacy The most significant legacy of the French Revolution was ideological This included the declaration of the rights of man and the citizen, which is a statement of principles rather than a legal constitution made on 26th August 1789. This declaration along with the phrase liberty, equality and fraternity could be seen as the basis of modern day liberty and democracy in Europe The Revolution also defined the ideologies of liberalism, socialism and conservatism. The ‘sans-culottes’…
nothing but a blip in history already forgotten. Bob Marley’s name will always be remembered for all the his hardships he conquered and great memories he was able to experience through his youth, his astonishing successful career and his ever lasting legacy. Bob Marley’s youth was unlike any others, filled with violence and poverty. His mother, Cedalla Booker, was eighteen years old when Bob was born In St. Ann Parish, Jamaica on February 6, 1945. His father, Norval Sinclair Marley, was a fifty-year-old…
Jay Gatsby, the focal point of this novel, is used as a representation of this era in American history and as an example of the pursuit of the American Dream. Fitzgerald uses vivid diction that captivates the reader and his symbolism creates a lasting, universal impression for all who pick up the novel. Throughout the following, I will use Fitzgerald’s diction,…
of Macedonia. Within the next 13 years he would expand his kingdom more than anyone would have imagined with his many conquests through Greece, Egypt, Asia Lower Minor, and India. Along with his victory over the mighty Persian Empire, Alexander’s legacy would live on through history as being one of the greatest Military leaders the world has ever seen. His first of many conquests was when he attacked Thessaly to restore Macedonian rule in 335 B.C. It was there that he defeated the Thracians…
beliefs, observations, and commentary of which the director has lived and/or traveled too. A director’s use of technique can hide, symbolize, and/or allude to Underyling ideas. Russian cinema is a true depiction of Russia’s history, government and it’s lasting affect on Russia’s culture, views, norms, and mind-set of its people. In the movies The Thief and Inner Circle, the directors use these techniques to present Stalin’s use of propaganda on the youth by representing himself as the father figure.…
Deal. Finally, the New Deal and the Great Society prove to be alike through their lasting legacies. The Great Society resembles the New Deal in its origins, goals, and social and political legacies. The origins of the Great Society reflects that of the New Deal in various ways. One common origin of these two programs is their basis in Progressive ideas. Although…
people as Florence nightingale and she even went to the front line to help the waned soldiers and considered by some to be better than Florence nightingale because she was at more of a disadvantage to begin with. In terms of her long term impact and lasting role of changing the role of women in medicine she worked steadily at the development of the New Hospital for Women, and (from 1874) at the creation of the London School of Medicine for Women. In 9 November 1908, she was elected mayor of Aldeburgh…
musicians, but also influenced the American culture with their combined rock, heavy-metal, blues, and folk to create an outstanding and timeless sound which can be followed from the origins of the band, through the height of the band's career, to the legacy they left behind. Before Led Zeppelin was founded, each of the members had previous experience playing different styles of music that contributed to the sound of Led Zeppelin. Jimmy Page and Robert Plant's main influences were blues player, Willie…