Hoang Ngo Lab 6 report Anita Dey Thursday 8am Abstract: We recently performed a liquid nitrogen experiment in finding the Latent heat of the substance. We isolated two parts of the experiment in order to find out how much evaporation of the liquid nitrogen was from the surroundings B and how much evaporation from the electricity G. 1. When a substance is undergoing a phase transition, more heat (energy) is being added to the Substance but its temperature (a way of measuring its energy) is not changing. Where does this Energy go if it does not go into heating up the substance? If a substance is changing from a Solid to a liquid is it absorbing or emitting heat? How about from a gas to a liquid? (2 pt)
When a substance is undergoing a…show more content… The hands are usually warmer than the rest of the environment, the rate of absorption by the cologne is significantly higher than the rate at which the body can absorb the heat lost by the skin. This lowers the skin temperature and makes the surface of the skin feel cool. 8. A student tried to do an experiment by applying heat at a constant rate to water in a glass container and plotted a graph that showed the variation of temperature with time. So obviously when you heat something up, its temperature should increase with time. However the student obtained the graph shown below. Although he supplied heat continuously, there was no change in temperature of water between t1 and t2. Explain this phenomenon, and state the temperature T of water during the time interval between t1 and t2. (1 pt) He supplied heat continuously but the specific heat capacity of water was reached and stayed there for a while and then vaporized and then turned into gas. The flat part of the graph is where there is a phase change in the substance and it’s going from liquid to gaseous. The Temperature T of water during that time interval is the temperature that makes water boil and that is 100 degrees