Essay on lab report

Submitted By Esmysaldana
Words: 327
Pages: 2

1. Calculate the rate (average amount of water loss per minute per square meter) for each of the treatments.
Room: Constant no loss 5ml
Fan: 1.74
Light: 1.5ml
Mist: 1.70

2. Explain why each of the conditions causes an increase or decrease in transpiration compared with the control.

Explanation of Effect
No Effect
The plant at room temperature was the control
The wind blowing on the plant caused evaporation to increase.
The heat the light that gave off increased evaporation, therefore increasing transpiration.
The shield the bag created decreased the amount of evaporation.

3. Explain the role of water potential in the movement of water from soil through the plant and into the air. The differences in water potential account for water movement from cell to cell and over long distances in the plant. Since the water is moved from an area of high water potential to an area of low water potential, the movement is facilitated by osmosis, root pressure, and adhesion and cohesion of water molecules.

4. What is the advantage of closed stomata to a plant when water is in short supply? What are the disadvantages?

The advantage of closed stomata would be that transpiration would be preventing resulting in less water loss. A disadvantage would be the prevention of exchange of gases in plants.

5. Describe several adaptations that enable plants to reduce water loss from their leaves. Include both structural and