L3 STL Unit 6 Learning Outcomes And Assessment Essay
Submitted By Stefan-Skarbinski
Words: 1778
Pages: 8
Task 1
Research and report on local education and learning provision for children and young people from pre-school to post 16. Interviews with parents and young people could be used to explore the factors influencing educational choices. The report should consider the opportunities and restrictions impacting on these choices and their outcomes.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
In order to pass this unit, the evidence that you present for assessment needs to demonstrate that you can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit.
Learning Outcome
Assessment Criteria
1 Know the structure of education from early years to post-compulsory education
1.1 Summarise entitlement and provision for early years education
1.2 Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance
1.3 Explain the post 16 options for young people and adults
Learner Guidance Notes
1 Know the structure of education from early years to post-compulsory education
Early year’s education: as relevant in home nation eg entitlement, provision for early years eg nurseries, nursery classes attached to primary schools, preschools and playgroups, primary school reception classes, accredited childminders, Sure Start Children's Centres
Types of state and independent schools: types eg community, foundation and trust, voluntary aided, voluntary controlled, specialist, academies and ‘free schools’, city technology colleges, community and foundation special schools, faith, grammar, maintained boarding schools, independent schools
School characteristics related to educational stages: range eg nursery, infant, junior, primary, first, middle, secondary, Sixth Form College
School governance: bodies involved eg national government, local government, governing body, parent councils; types eg charitable foundation or trust, religious organisation, business, faith or voluntary groups
Post-16 options for young people and adults: range eg in schools, sixth form college, further education, apprenticeships, higher education
Task 2
Compile a report for parents explaining the how schools are organised in terms of roles and responsibilities and how schools are affected by legislation
Explain the strategic purpose of:
School governors
Senior management team
Other statutory roles e.g. SENCO, teachers and support staff roles
Legislation affecting schools
Summarise the laws and codes of practice affecting work in schools
Explain how legislation affects how schools work
Explain the roles of regulatory bodies relevant to the education sector which exist to monitor and enforce the legislative framework, including: general bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive and school specific regulatory bodies
Learning Outcome
Assessment Criteria
2 Understand how schools are organised in terms of roles and responsibilities
2.1 Explain the strategic purpose of: school governors, senior management team, other statutory roles eg SENCO, teachers and support staff roles
2.2 Explain the roles of external professionals who may work with a school eg educational psychologist
4 Know about the legislation affecting schools
4.1 Summarise the laws and codes of practice affecting work in schools
4.2 Explain how legislation affects how schools work 4.3 Explain the roles of regulatory bodies relevant to the education sector which exist to monitor and enforce the legislative framework, including: general bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive and school specific regulatory bodies
Learner Guidance Notes
2 Understand how schools are organised in terms of roles and responsibilities
School governors: types eg governing bodies/boards of governors/parent councils as relevant to the home nation, community governors, staff representatives, local authority governors, governors appointed by the relevant religious body