Kumalo Finds That His Son Is Caught Up In A Lot Of Mischief?
Submitted By BryDee-Johnson
Words: 324
Pages: 2
Brydon Johnson
Mr. M
Sons paper
1.Kumalo finds that his son is caught up in a lot of mischief. He hears that he is moving from place to place but gaining more information as he goes, some of which telling of Absalom stealing and later in a place where he is taught to obey the laws and live a good life. Though he resents back to his mischievous ways afterwards. Kumalo gains fear the closer and closer he gets to finding his son, he is heartbroken when he finds Absalom has killed another man.
Jarvis finds that his son was full of forgiveness and liked to see things from another perspective. Unlike most of the people saying the natives are terrorizing all of them, he feels the natives are not as bad as they seem, or at least a big group of them. After his death and when Jarvis reads through his notes he also forgives people very easily, he was angered at some of the things his son wrote but came to understand their true meanings.
2.In the beginning Kumalo sees the world as innocent and from what I can tell controlled by the whites. He begins to fear what lies ahead more and more throughout his travels. Kumalo only recognizes Jarvis through sight saying they have never spoken, he remembers him riding past the church on a horse alongside his little son with the bright smile.
Jarvis feels blessed to have his family and son with him every moment, how much they had cared for their only son, he sees the world as a treasure that he is glad to have he does not know much of