Kouros: A Trip To The Metropolitan Museum Of Art

Submitted By ArianaSimpson90
Words: 805
Pages: 4

On Thursday , September 18 I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Arts and after seeing all the beautiful sculptures and artworks , i chose Kouros for my museum report because it showed the Greek's first nude youth male during the Archaic period ca. 600 BCE . My choice for my museum report is a made out of marble and is standing on its own with the left leg moving forward and hands at its sides closely together . This figure is one of the earliest freestanding marble statue was made with Naxian marble in ca. 590-580 BC. Naxian marble is an ancient , course-like grain white marble found in many sculptures during the 7th and 6 century BCE. Around 600 BCE the first marble sculptures were found in Greece and were standing in nude and were votive . Similar sculptures followed this method such as Kouroi , Doryphoros , Anavysos Kouros. While observing this statue i saw it is carved in great detail . It seems like the person who scupltued this statue took their time making the marks and scars look realistic. The body has been used to create a symbol of perfection in arts for centuries . Most of the similar figures were standing nude .I noticed cracks and chips from the statue because over time it started to deteriorate . This figure is very life-size which was made visible by the legs and the knees . The chest muscles , pelvic have showed to have missing details . Looking at the the figure the only eye appealing factor was the hair . The hair was neatly carved in great detail and seemed to have beads on his long curly hair. The fists were clinched together and the legs and elbows were seprated . It seems the legs were where the weight mostly supported due to the strength in the legs. The ears of the figure were pushed back too far which makes me believed it was done on purpose to put more attention to the detail of the face. The ability to walk around and inspect the entire statue allows me to see the different views of the figure and pay close attention to each detail that was put in place. This statue was one of the earliest marble statues of a human figure carved in Attica . The way the he stood with the left leg forward with marks at his sides were a form of Egyptian art . The pose was also common by greek sculptures during the B.C . While i observerd this i noticed the markings were carefully sculpted on the belly, arms and neck . It had perfect lines almost like the sculpter was using a metric ruler . These markings represented the sense of freedom and believed in realism. The way the he stood with the left leg forward with marks at his sides were a form of Egyptian art . The pose was also common by greek sculptures during the B.C . While i observerd this i noticed the markings were carefully sculpted on the mthe belly , arms and neck . It had perfect lines almost like the sculpter was using a metric ruler . These markings represented the sense