Junk Food Speech

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Pages: 4

hey mom why can't we ever shop at whole foods? because honey whole foods gives us half thefood for twice the price. compared to wal-mart much as i would love to eat healthy it's just notpossible. to feed you and your brother off of greens and veggies. so you drink your coke andmunch your frys. and be content in the fact that hundreds of other kids in america are having todo the same thing sadly this is an all too familiar story in modern day america minimum wageworkers and single parents having no choice but to feed their spawn with cheap fatty sugarytreats instead of preparing them healthy homecooked meals however we are not doomed tocontinue this trend i'll tell you how i believe this should be solved. unfortunately this is aneveryday occurrence
if we do not make a drastic change to the diet of the general american public we could reach alevel never before seen in history in which there are more fat obese people than skinny fit peoplethis would be an unprecedented tragedyif we were to simply put a small tax on junk food and a substantial tax on the production of junkfood then the population would become healthy in a matter of years which brings me to my nextpointthe real reason for america's excess of junk food and the reason it's so easy to acquire is becausejunk food is far easier to produce than anything healthy or organicapproximately half of consumption occasions are habitually driven, and one third cease when food is gone(food insight.com).so one can only assume if we made it more expensive to produce unhealthy foods than healthyfoods it would become far cheaper to eat healthy thus drastically lowering the average weight ofamericansKaren hanrahan saved a mcdonald's burger from 1996 and oddly enough it looks just as appetising andfresh as a burger you might buy today ( sarah irani).as you can see from the prior info this is not a small problem not in the slightest were facing anunprecedented amount of obesity and if the number keeps rising at this rate it could becatastrophican academic nutritionist, said that the government should "slap small taxes on junk foods like soft drinks"to generate money for public-health campaigns(fat tax).while this would be a simple solution that would greatly help it has yet to be
and there lies the root of the problem america is a capitalist society that does things the cheapestway possible in the most appealing way possible it costs money to harvest clean and preparehealthy homemade snacks when a bag of chips needs no refrigeration or care in the slightestConsumers who report having a healthful diet are more likely to rely on habit/time of day and seek outhealthful foods, whereas those with the least healthful diet are more likely to eat simply because food is thereand stop when it is gone(food insight).some people are simply unable to control themselves around food and since it's so easy to get ahold of they end up eating themselves to deathConcrete detail dietary guidance should encourage consumers to recognize personal triggers and providepractical recommendations to respond with healthful action, especially for those who are prone to eatingbecause food is available and until it is gone.(food insight).humans are creatures of habit and even if they realise a habit is harmful most will deny it andcontinue to indulge in itwhat's happening to america is a tragedy and we need to do something about it before it's toolatein conclusion tax junk food because even a small tax on foods high in sugar and fat woulddrastically increase the health and happiness of billions of people across the country whileforcing companies to concentrate on making their products healthier and cheapera minimal tax on junk food would quench the rising obesity rates it would make