Judaism and Bread Essay

Submitted By weeramanthri
Words: 426
Pages: 2

Part C The ritual of the Eucharist is based on the Passover. Passover is a holiday that celebrates the escape of the Israelites from Egypt in approximately 1225 B.C.E. The narrative of this adventure is told in the Biblical book of Exodus. The book of Exodus tells us that God ordered Moses to set the Israelites free. “Moses said to Pharaoh, “Let my people go.” To which Pharaoh replied, “No.””. so god sent Ten plagues down upon the Egyptians, the last of which was the death of the first born of each family. God told the Israelites to slaughter a lamb and put the blood on the doorposts of their homes so that the Angel of Death would pass over them on the night of the tenth plague. After this night of terror, Pharaoh said that the Israelites could leave Egypt. Fearful that the Pharaoh would change his mind, the Israelites left as quickly as possible. Because of this, their bread did not have time to rise. (That is why the Eucharist is flat and not risen.) Since then, Jews all over the world have celebrate the Passover. The first time the Eucharistic ritual was performed was at the Last Supper when Jesus and his friends were celebrating the passover.That evening Jesus sat down at the table with the 12 apostles to eat his final meal before going to the cross. As they dined together, he told the twelve that one of them would soon betray him. Then Jesus took the bread and the wine and asked his Father to bless it. He broke the bread into pieces, giving it to his disciples and said, "This is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." From then on