Journal Two Essay examples

Submitted By aishahasib
Words: 621
Pages: 3

“The Tyger” was written by William Blake in 1794. The first line of the poem indicates that the poem is addressed to the "Tyger." The repetition "Tyger, tyger" in the first line is creating an impression of reading a song- like poem. By reading the first lines I feel that this poem if obviously about way more than the largest cat. The line "burning bright”, is a metaphor that Blake is using to describe the appearance of a Tiger as they have fire like orange skin or it could be the description of the kind of energy and power that a tiger has. Lines 3 and 4 are leading towards the main idea and question raised in the poem: what "immortal" existence or power is able to produce a creature like Tiger. Blake mentioned, "Immortal hand or eye," talking about sight and handwork which is in reference to God. The second stanza of the poem talks about where the Tiger was created and it continues to create imagery of the Tiger in my mind as a powerful, big creature. Blake used the terms "distant deeps or skies", he may be referring to an unearthly place, possibly "deeps" as in Hell and “skies” as in Heaven. The poet is trying to say that a Tiger is such a large, powerful, mysterious animal and its creator must be large, powerful and mysterious also. In the poem the writer continuously talk about the divine and supreme creator and how the Tyger was created, for example in the lines where he states, “And what shoulder, & what art could twist the sinews of thy heart?” Blake clearly means that no kind of human strength or skill could produce the Tyger. The poem is very rhythmic, creating song like feeling. I noticed that the poem contains six quatrains which are the four-line stanzas and each quatrain has two couplets which is a couple of rhyming lines. The poet is raising questions such as, who produced the tiger? The Satan? Or the same generous and loving God who created the lamb? As I read the whole poem I realized that the poem is more about the creations of God or Creator of the Tiger than the tiger itself. Humans cannot deny the creations of God. “The fearful symmetry” in the last stanza of the poem represents that both good and evil exist in this world.
The poem “The