NBA Salaries Compared to Normal People Salaries
Joseph A F Claycomb
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
My paper is about NBA players’ salary. How much they make how much every other person makes in their life if they don’t go to College to play basketball or go to the NBA. I’m going to talk about how their race effects their salary in the old age until now in the year 2015 to get into making money. I’m also going to talk about how much work you have to put in high school and college to make it in the NBA to make a high enough salary so that they can retire at a young age, instead of going on till your 40. Back then it was always a racist issues between African Americans and Caucasians, where one always had to work harder than the other just to get further in life. But now that we have grown up, it doesn’t matter what race we are, we all have to put in the same amount of work to get what we want the most. Having to put that much work, just to make a decent salary to even make a living is hard. To also see who and what team is going to make the most salary in the NBA is hard work, and just see who will and who won’t make the final cut hurts certain people that have to work to make a living.
The National Basketball Association has many different complex rules and regulations. However, none of them are more complex and confusing than the NBA’s Salary Cap, which remains the most complicated salary capping mechanism in any professional sport. Basketball was the very first sport to cap salaries, starting in 1984 all through today’s season and more to come. A salary cap was an agreement or rule that places a limit on the amount of money that a team can spend on player salaries. The limit exists as a per-player limit or a total limit for the team’s roster, or both. Kobe Bryant once said “It’s the popular thing to do. The player takes less, blah, blah, blah, blah. I think it’s a big coup for the owners to put players in situations where public perception puts pressure on them to take less money. Because if you don’t, then you get criticized for it… It’s absolutely brilliant, but I’m not going for it, I know the new head of the players’ association ain’t going for it, either.” In today’s society, all the sports have a form of free agency, allowing players to sell their services to other clubs after a certain period of time has elapsed. Salary caps have emerged as a wide variety to free agency. That is while players are allowed to sell their services to the highest bidders, the salary cap restricts how much can be paid to players on a team as a whole, thus preventing labor costs from rising beyond the stated limits. Basketball was the sport that went through hard times and easy times, where it all started with the owner application of the reserve clause. The players were drafted by the National Basketball Association teams that had exclusive rights to sign a certain player they wanted. Once a player decided to sign a contract with a certain team they become the property of the club. There was always a legal reason they used the reserve clause was to make sure they could bind a player to a particular club for life, unless the player was sold, traded or put on waivers. ( In Walt Whitman’s poem the “Chants Democratic,” he claims that even high