12, Banani C.A Kemal Ataturk Avenue
Ph: 01717766986, tarif.nsu@gmail.com
April 10, 2008
Samina M. Saifuddin
Associate Professor
Department of Management Studies, DU
Dear Ms. Samina
Here is the report on the job satisfaction of Siemens employee you asked to conduct last March 02, 2008
As you will see, our observations pointed to some specific needs for job satisfaction. Following the procedure we agreed to, we will prepare an outline of this needs in a revised curriculum plan that will submit to you on March 10, 2008. We are confident that this curriculum plan will help you to understand the job satisfaction of Siemens employees.
We appreciate having this assignment. If you should need any assistance in interpreting this report or in implementing our recommendation, please contact us at tarif.nsu@gmail.com or 01717-766986.
M. Taufiq -Ul- Arafin ID# 063 083 030
Syed Tawhidur Rahman ID# 063 098 030
M. Hasibul Islam ID# 063 152 030
Ashik Mahmud Khan ID# 063 185 030
North South University
Table of Contents Page
1.0 Executive Summary vi
2.0 Introduction 01
2.1 Origin 01
2.2 Objective 01
2.3 Scope 01
2.4 Background of the problem 02
2.5 Methods of data collection 02
3.0 Company background 03
4.0 Theoretical Explanation 04
5.0 Findings 05
5.1 Company policy and Administration 05
5.2 Relationship 06
5.3 Work condition 06
5.4 Compensation 07
5.5 Recognition 08
5.6 Work Itself 09
5.7 Responsibility 10
5.8 Advancement 11
5.9 Growth 12
6.0 Recommendation 12
7.0 Conclusion 12
Appendix 13
Bibliography 13
Executive Summary
From the modest beginning Siemens is one of the leading companies in electrical and electronics sector around the world. Its product and services mainly classified in five sectors - medical, industry and consumer products, transportation systems, power and finally industrial solutions and services. In Bangladesh, Siemens is also contributing in different sectors. Siemens is giving services from 1956. They proved success in the power, energy and telecommunication sector in Bangladesh with all modernization efforts and courage’s.
Job satisfaction is one of the leading issues in today’s corporate world. Without satisfying employees no organization can gain success. A survey is conducted in Siemens Bangladesh Ltd. about their employee’s job satisfaction and it is taken from entry, middle and top level employees.
The survey is conducted based on a questionnaire and it is categorized into different sectors like • Company policy and Administration:
• Relationship
• Work condition
• Compensation
• Recognition
• Work Itself
• Responsibility
• Advancement
• Growth
The data is collected based on primary method and survey is done through asking different questions from Top to Entry level employees based on questionnaire.
After conducting the survey different scenario has came out. In every sector, Top level employees are very much satisfied
Circumstances Affecting Job Satisfaction of Senior High School Educators HUMSS 12-4 Alvaro, Mark Ian B. Amatorio, Cyel C. Buan, Rowena I. Cagadas, Ma. Xela B. Cuyos, Hazel Mae Ilagan, JyanneKhristine M. Juralbal, Margarita G. CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION As 21st century entered the Philippines, particularly the Department of Education (DepEd) introduced its new type of curriculum called K-to-12 basic education, way back 2012 during Aquino III presidency. An additional…
Job satisfaction is the state of mind a man holds toward one's specific work; it is a reaction to experiences in an occupation (Kalleberg 1977; Locke 1969; Mottaz 1987). Job satisfaction has positive practical value towards associations, given it is absolutely connected with performance and expert social practices and adversely connected with counterproductive conduct and job withdrawal (Crede et al. 2007; Judge et al. 2001). Employments are all the more fulfilling the degree to which it fills a man's…
Satisfaction obtained from work is considered as a more and more crucial way to achieve happiness. In the following essayI don't think you really need this part., I will look at the contributions to job satisfaction as well as the reality for expectation of job satisfaction to be got. An employee can feel satisfied by motivation from both financial side and non-financial side. On one hand, money is the most motivating factor financially. Undoubtedly, a high salary or wage rate contributes to job…
four guys tent to be satisfied with their jobs, it is hard to say that whether jobs with long hours, hundreds of E-mails and no sleep are good or bad. Because of tendency for economic globalization, more jobs need constant traveling, high concentration, communication around world(Robbins & Judge, 90). Maybe people choose jobs from different points of view, according to the report “ the list of top 10 satisfaction factors for 2011”, the first five are job security, opportunities to use skills and…
concepts about job satisfaction and adds a new dynamic to this rich world of opportunities. Regardless of origins, it is hard for an employee to perform a job day after day and still feel thrilled over time, or worse, for an employee to have a job that he/she never enjoyed in the first place. How can management reach higher levels of job satisfaction? How does the…
that survey the impact job dissatisfaction has on the psychological well-being of employees. It seems logical that when employees are dissatisfied at work, symptoms such as depression, anxiety and a general decrease in mental health would result, indicating a decrease in a person’s psychological well-being. The authors use several definitions of job satisfaction, although most agree that it includes feeling fulfilled by the work completed, displaying positive behaviors on the job and having generally…
theory of model related to job stress and job satisfaction required in order to support this research. Therefore, related theory, conceptual and previous literature review will be discussed to support this research. 2.2.1 Job Demand-Control (support) theory Job Demand-Control (support) theory presented by Karasek in 1979 is related to the factor work overload in this research (Hassard & Cox, 2015). According to Hassard and Cox (2015), Job Demand-Control model proposed that job stress is outcomes from…
Abstract Job satisfaction measures how a person feels about their job. There are numerous factors the can effect a person(s) attitude towards their job. These factors range from compensation, benefits, opportunities for advancement, how employees feel they are valued, respected to the relationships they have with co-workers and management. The happier employees are with their job, the more productive they will be. Productive employees have a positive impact on the company's profitability…
that, job satisfaction is defined as the pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the overall evaluation of one’s job or job experiences, and is a factor of the extent to which individual needs are met in the work setting. Consequently, it can be both intrinsic, deriving from internally mediated rewards such as the job itself, and extrinsic, resulting from externally mediated rewards such as satisfaction with pay (Porter and Kramer, 2004). Moreover, increased job satisfaction has been…
Chapter 3 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Learning Objectives After studying this chapter, students should be able to: 1. Contrast the three components of an attitude. 2. Understand the relationship between attitudes and behaviour. 3. Compare and contrast the major job attitudes. 4. Define job satisfaction and show how we can measure it. 5. Summarise the main causes of job satisfaction. 6. Identify four employee responses to dissatisfaction. Instructor Resources…