November 22 1963 was an unforgettable day that shocked all of America. It was the day where President John F. Kennedy was tragically assassinated. President Kennedy was born on
May 29, 1917, in Brookline, Massachusetts. Before becoming the 35th president, Kennedy faced numerous obstacles such as Berlin and Cuba but achieved and conquered many things such as the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the Alliance for progress. He was a role model during his time of presidency and continues to be a role model for many people.
John F. Kennedy was born into a rich, politically connected Boston family of IrishCatholics.
He and his eight siblings enjoyed a privileged childhood of elite private schools, sailboats, servants, and summer homes. During his childhood and youth, "Jack" Kennedy suffered frequent serious illnesses. Nevertheless, he strove to make his own way, writing a bestselling book while still in college at Harvard and volunteering for hazardous combat duty in the Pacific during
World War II. Kennedy's wartime service made him a hero. After a short stint as a journalist,
Kennedy entered politics, serving in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1947 to 1953 and the U.S. Senate from 1953 to 1961. Kennedy was the youngest person elected U.S. President and the first Roman Catholic to serve in that office. For many observers, his presidency came to represent the ascendance of youthful idealism in the aftermath of World War II. The promise of this energetic and telegenic leader was not to be fulfilled, as he was assassinated near the end of his third year in office. For many Americans, the public murder of President Kennedy remains one of the most traumatic events in memory—countless Americans can remember exactly where they were when they heard that President Kennedy had been shot. His shocking death stood at the forefront of a period of political and social instability in the country and the world. Thousands of people lined the parade route hoping for a glance at President Kennedy and his beautiful wife. Just before 12:30 p.m., the presidential motorcade turned right from Main
Street onto Houston Street and entered Dealey Plaza. The presidential limousine then turned left onto Elm Street. After passing the Texas School Book Depository, which was situated at the corner of Houston and Elm, shots suddenly rang out.One shot hit President Kennedy’s throat and he reached up with both hands toward the injury. Then another shot struck President Kennedy’s head, blowing off a part of his skull. Jackie Kennedy leapt from her seat and started scrambling for the back of the car. Governor Connally was also struck in the back and chest (he would survive his wounds).As the assassination scene was unfolding, Secret Service agent Clint Hill jumped from the car following the presidential limousine and ran up to the Kennedys’ car. He then jumped onto the back of the Lincoln Continental in an attempt to shield the Kennedys from the wouldbe