Chapter 13 (Combinatorics) [Ex. 13.4 and 13.5 only]
Chapter 6 (Rates of Change)
Chapter 9 (Circular Functions) [Exclude Ex. 9.1)
Chapter 10 (Exponential and Logarithmic Functions)
Chapter 11 (Differential Calculus)
Chapter 12 (Applications of Calculus)
SECTION A: 20 Multiple Choice Questions (20 marks)
SECTION B: 5 Extended Answer Questions (55 marks)
TOTAL: 75 marks
Use of CAS
The Exam is CAS active and it is assumed that you will make full use of CAS technology throughout. It will be difficult to complete the Exam in the time available without doing so. The amount of space left to work out answers in Section B also assumes that CAS will be used to full effect. This includes solving any equations, obtaining derivatives and antiderivatives, or assisting with generating sketch graphs.
The exceptions to the above rule are questions which require you to “Show that”, “Use Algebraic methods” or “Use Calculus methods”. If these phrases are explicitly used in the wording of a question, then you need to give evidence of the processes used to obtain your answer and not simply rely on CAS.
If CAS is used to obtain an answer, you do not need to explain that this is how you solved the problem, but you should write down the equation that you solved or the expression that you evaluated (not using calculator syntax) in your solution prior to using CAS to obtain your answer. For example if you are estimating an instantaneous rate of change of f(x) at a given point (say x = 2) using an interval width of 0.01, you should write down the expression before using CAS to evaluate the result.
You need to make sure you know how to use the relevant functions on your CAS calculator fluently as you will not be able to receive help during the Exam with regard to how to use particular functions or how to interpret the results.
Making use of space in the Exam booklet
Lines are provided in the Exam booklet to write your answers in. You may find it useful in some questions to rule down the middle of the space provided and use two separate areas for your solution. If you run out of space, the last page of the Exam booklet is blank which you can use to continue working out in and there is also space on the formula sheet page if necessary. No blank paper or graph paper may be brought into the Exam room
Numerical Answers
In Section B, unless otherwise asked for, in, all answers are to be given in exact form. This is included in the instructions on the Exam. If a question asks for an answer rounded off to a particular number of decimal places, you must round off to that number of places. For example, if you are asked for an answer to 2 decimal places and your calculator readout is 5.000342…, you must give the answer as 5.00 and not simply 5.
Maxima and Minima Problems
If you are solving Maxima and Minima problems, a proof of Maximum or Minimum needs to be included in your solution. This should be provided in the form of a sign