Jennifer Proctor
Dr. Archie Rowe
Management 315
27 July 2015
Key Factors Regarding Group Behavior
A group exists when two or more people define themselves as member of it and when its existence is recognized by at least one other. The group is a collection of individuals they accept the common task and their interdependent in their performance to promote its accomplishment through interaction with one another. On the other hands group behavior originate from the grounds that contribute to the group’s efficiency. Other groups interconnect with groups function they expand their own exclusive set of uniqueness they also develop group structure in which they have cohesiveness, role, norms and process. Groups may participate with other groups when groups are working together, and inter group competition which is also built the conflict. Group behavior has been a subject of considerable study in mid 20th century (Alford, 1994; Brown, 2001; Hogg, 2000). We describe the group development we found that group dynamics consists of a set of technique which is related to the internal nature of the group.
The structure of a group helps the management predict individual behavior within the group and the performance of the group itself. Some of the structural variables are formal leadership, roles, norms, group status, group size and the composition of the group. All these variables affect the functioning of groups. The style or behavior of the group leader tends to be imitated or repeated by the members of the group. As everyone is required to play a diverse set of roles within and outside an organization, one of the tasks in understanding behavior is grasping the role that is currently being played by a person. Group members share some acceptable standards of behavior among themselves, and once they are established, they become norms. Status also has major behavioral consequences when individuals perceive a disparity between what they believe their status to be, and what others perceive it to be. Some employees believe that politics and power in the workplace is a game that corporate and management plays. However, games usually have rules to follow, a referee or judge, and an ending with a winner. Although politics has a winner, this game never ends, the rules are always subject to change, and there is no referee or spokesperson. Corporate traditions establish much of the biased game of politics that is played on the organizational level. Unfortunately, politics and power is a game that most employees in an organization must learn how to play. One part of organizational politics includes the manipulations of an individual to get other employees to perform or act as the manipulator desires. The other part of the organizational politic game is the negotiation and cooperation with or resistance to the manipulator (Clarke, 1990). Politics can assist or harm an employee, depending on his or her decision to play the game. Employees must understand that politics is a power scheme game that is combined with other power scheme. Some things are accomplished by following organizational procedures, while other things are accomplished politically. Once employees recognize and accept that politics are everywhere and they do not place judgment on them, employees can begin to work with them to advance their career (Grimm, 2004). Power is the ability to insist or resist a situation. If a manager can hire, fire, reward, or in any other way control someone's financial well-being or freedom, the manger can use power against the employee. Although this is an unethical behavior, it is part of the game. However, if the employee chooses to cooperate, the manager is acting as a leader by exercising persuasion rather than control or power (Opis Management, 2006). Power is forced cooperation and persuasion is non-forced. Leaders exercise both, manager's exercise only power. Suppose your boss tells you to complete an assignment on Tuesday, you could