Author Note
This research is being submitted on January 20, 2013, for Kerry Miller’s B351 Management of Information Systems Course.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is computing relying on sharing computing resources versus having local servers to handle their applications. In cloud computing the word cloud is a metaphor for "the Internet" therefor it means "a type of Internet-based computing," where different services -- such as servers, storage and applications -- are delivered to an organization's computers and devices through the Internet (IT Business, 2012).
There are many advantages for a company to adopt this system. Some of the advantages of cloud computing are decrease in cost, speed of cloud services, innovation in technology and use of device. The costs of adopting this system do have pros and cons but the pros definitely out way the cons (American Express Co., 2011).
The biggest advantage of cloud computing is the elimination of investments in software or servers by the user. Users can avoid charges such as cost of data storage, software updates, and cost of quality control. Anyone can take this advantage not just a company (Walter, 2012).
With cloud computing, there is no need to install hardware or software for a new application; all they have to do is scale up or down the services. There are numerous data centers that are located at multiple locations for the storage of data from near locations (Walter, 2012).
With technology innovation there is no reason for the user to manage or own the resources; cloud computing does all this for the user. Cloud computing services can be utilized and accessed from any device such as computer, cell phone, or iPhone (Walter, 2012).
Every business wants to ensure they are putting their information in a trusted set of hands, therefore they all request certain services of the cloud computing providers. Some of these services would be easier resource management, lower costs, and a secure backup. Cloud Computing providers help ensure businesses can retrieve the latest versions of their data in case of an on-site system failure or a disaster (Martin, 2010). Cloud computing services can help businesses save money on things such as server maintenance, power and cooling costs, and software upgrade expenses. Cloud computing services are often more reliable than services delivered on-premise, especially if