Japan: Consciousness and Subliminal Messaging Works Essays
Submitted By amyjoy123
Words: 1285
Pages: 6
Eli Deleon:
There are many projects and inventions around the world using today’s technology. For example in japan is developing rockets with artificial intelligence many rockets are automatic. They have some degree of automation and equipped with the sensors that trip when the malfunctions occur but the sensors can neither inform the operator what the problem is no offer a solution. But the sensors in the epsilon launch vehicle will interact, operating more like a rudimentary brain and less like a series of switches. It is able to determine the cause of the problem. The rocket will be finish by 2013 and the prize for the rockets is 3.8 billion.
Artificial intelligence can be found in different devices computers, cellphones, robots etc… now artificial intelligence goes mobile some technology and tablets might a wireless devise rebalance your investment portfolio. One of the examples that proofs smartphones are smarter than ever is that now having Google search and Google speech recognition and visual search are just the start biggest company are developing Al- related hardware, software, Al technology can be particular useful in sorting through the digital data. In just six years social site Facebook has gained more than 500 million active users, many of whom post photos and comments daily. Google answers more than 1 billion search queries a day. Every minute 24 hours of video is uploaded to Google YouTube.
• Artificial intelligence in medicine (AIM) program is a program of the department of medicine at cedars Sinai medical center. Then aim program seeks to develop software to allow computers to process and analyze three-dimensional images. Examples of the aim program are take raw digital data output by the gamma camera, identify where the heart is reconstruct into tomographic images and re-orient those images to make them perpendicular to the heart axis all without operator interaction. Take tomographic images of the heart, evaluate the signals from several hundred portions of the myocardium, comparing the strength of the signals with those expected in a normal heart and generate an exact quantitative measurement of the location, extent and severity of perfusion abnormalities of the heart. This gives the physician objective information to help select or rule out more invasive treatment. Analyze the dynamic functioning of the heart (i.e., the way it contracts and thickens during its cycle). A dynamic measurement of the heart cavity volume is performed from electrocardiographically gated three-dimensional nuclear cardiology images by automatically identifying the endocardial and epicardial surfaces and following their motion throughout the cardiac cycle.
Edward I Garcia:
Subliminal is defined as stimuli that received at a level that lies under the capability of our senses, such as sight and hearing. When you receive a subliminal message, you cannot detect it or notice it, but it has an effect on your brain nonetheless (subliminalanalysis.com, 2010-2011). Subliminal messaging is like planting a little seed in some one’s head and eventually it sprouts up and pops up in your head. How subliminal messaging works is by appealing to your senses with hidden messages that you may not notice at first or your conscious mind may not be aware of. Subliminal messaging is used in advertising, songs, audio messaging products, and videos.
Subliminal messaging has ways of working on your mind appealing to your senses by text, what you read, images, pictures that you see, and audio, things you hear. In text, subliminal messaging can work on your mind by things that pop up while watching a film or hidden in an advertisement. Subliminal messaging works using images that appeal such as sexual images. Hiding images in pictures is how subliminal messaging works because you may be drawn to an image and that can cause you to like whatever