Essay about Jane eyre

Submitted By haneinrihan
Words: 313
Pages: 2

Ap Proposal

1. I find Jane Eyre very interesting in many aspects. It was very difficult for me to narrow my topic down to one thing. I would like to plan of discussing the different representations of various women in the novel. There are conflicting ideas between how each woman acts, lives, and how men view them. The women in the novel portray what Jane learns about feminine behavior and the struggle for perfection to please a man. The women are only pleased by the wealth and elegance of others rather than personality.
2. Bessie, when she heard this narrative, sighed and said, "Poor Miss Jane is to be pitied, too, Abbot." "Yes," responded Abbot, "if she were a nice, pretty child, one might compassionate her forlornness; but one really cannot care for such a little toad as that." "Not a great deal, to be sure," agreed Bessie: "at any rate a beauty like Miss Georgiana would be more moving in the same condition." "Yes, I doat on Miss Georgiana!" cried the fervent Abbot. "Little darling! – with her long curls and her long curls and her blue eyes, and such a sweet colour as she has; just as if she were painted!" ( Bronte 1.3.77-80) Jane is famous for being a plain girl rather than beautiful, and here we see the unfortunate and unfair consequences of her plainness: the help find it difficult to sympathize with her just because she is not pretty and sweet and blue eyed has curly hair. Compassion and affection are easier for people like Bessie and Abbot to