“How might the holistic model help meet the mental health needs of older people?”
This is an interesting question to look at because there are different approaches and influences on what is the appropriate, or beneficial, way of dealing with care for older people. In answering this question we must first look at what the holistic model is and what it consists of in relatation to older people. Secondly, we must look at the needs of older people and what they want and need and not just focusing on one specific area because they fit perfectly into that category.
Each individual has their own expectations of how they want to be treated as they grow older and they do not expect any different even though they may be unable to cope with dramatic changes in lifestyle or health. These expectations are a result of generations of traditions within families.
For example, a couple have children and they grow up and have children of their own. As everyone grows older the original couple will need care given by their children, so essentially the responibility of care changes to the parents who now have to look after the grandparents as the grandchildren create their own relationships. If the tradition is kept the next generation will look after the one before as well as creating the next line.
This is an idylic look at a family, however, as times change and new technology is developed, more and more complications occur. People live busier lives and the idea of family trying to give the best care for elderly relatives is no longer a viable option as people need to work longer hours just to keep financially afloat and support their own familiy, especially in today’s economic climate.
It is not only the family that has expectations but also the service providers. Service providers may feel that they “know” what older people require when they are taken into care and therfore a “generical older person” model may be adopted for all their clients. This may restrict the level of care given and not cater for what the individual actually requires.
Ageism is also a topic that can be influential not only for older people but also service providers and younger people. As people are living longer and working past retirement age, a lack of jobs are available for younger people. Legally businesses cannot dismiss a person because they are “too old” to do the job unless it is in a profession that requires immense concentration such as surgery or a high level of danger. The same also applies to younger people who may not have experience but do have the right qualifications and attitude for the job. The Holistic Model
Nutritional medicine, western herbal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda and homeopathy were all complimentary therapies and alternaive medicines used in a study which produced a report by Jan Wallcraft (1998) called “Healing Minds”. This report considered how these varying “holistic” treatments also demonstrated evidence that was beneficial to mental health. Jan Smuts (1927) defines holism as:
“... the tendency in nature to form wholes that are greater than the sums of the parts through creative evolution...”
Rene Descartes, considered to be the founder of today’s modern