In this task I am going to be outlining how legislation, policies and procedures relate to health, safety and security in health and social care settings. I will be linking all the legislations to Riverglade House.
Legislations and guidelines for England and Wales.
Health and Safety at Work Act.
It is known that the UK has the lowest accidents at work rates in the world, this is because of the Health and Safety at Work Act, this legislation helped bring improvements in health and safety in the work place. There are many requirements for the health and safety at work; employers are responsible for the health and safety of their employee and visitors while they are on their premises. Employers must;
Carry out risk assessments before the business is opened.
Make sure there is a health and safety policy written up.
Keep a record of all accidents and incidents.
Make sure safety equipment is provided and the workplace is insured.
Employees should;
Take responsibility of their own and other peoples health and safety.
Make sure they don’t deliberately put themselves or others at risk.
Food Safety Act.
The Food Safety Act was published in 1990 and was published to provide the framework for all food legislations in Britain. The responsibilities for all food businesses under the act are; Make sure that nothing is added or removed from food, it is important to ensure that food isn’t treated in anyway that could harm the health of people eating it.
Make sure that all food served or sold is of the nature, substance and quality of which consumers would expect.
Make sure that all food is labelled, presented and advertised in a way which is not misleading.
Riverglade House made sure that all the food which was served at breakfast, lunch and dinner time was well presented so that the residence knew what they were eating, they made sure that all the food they cooked was well labelled and in date. (
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulation – RIDDOR.
It is compulsory by law that employers, self-employers