It's Time To Quit Smoking

Submitted By arson007
Words: 766
Pages: 4

It's Time to Quit Smoking
Mike Jones
August 15, 2011
Philip Partridge

It's time to quit smoking
Just for one minute sit back and imagine how it would be like to be able to breathe fresh air again. Now come back to reality and face the true facts about the smell of stale smokey air. That’s what you smell when people smoke cigarettes. There should be a bill passed making all cigarette companies to stop producing cigarettes with tobacco in them and make them smokeless ones. They could still place their company name on them; there would not any tobacco for them to put in them. Mostly all establishments are now nonsmoking, but even outside we are still surrounding by stale smoke. I am always hearing from my friends, “At least I smoke outside”. Well people are still inhaling secondhand smoke. I have seen billboards with images of people that have lost half of their faces, or that are on oxygen, and after seeing these advertisements you would think people would think twice about picking up another cigarette. Smoking is like overeating. It is an addiction and very hard to quit.
Our government wants everyone to quit smoking, so they are increasing the price of cigarettes to the extreme. Smoking beyond any question, can lead to serious illness and death. If cigarettes were a brand new product, being introduced today for the first time, there is no way they would be allowed on the market. But they have been around for a very long time, that gruesome warning label has have been put on the packages, even with that, there would be no way they would be outlawed. Every day of the year approximately over 2,200 adults who presumably have heard about the health hazards their entire lives begin for the first time to smoke cigarettes on a daily basis. Have you ever taken apart a cigarette and wondered what it contained. Well the shocking answer will kill you-literally. The truth of the matter is that smoking does the opposite of just about everything we give it credit for. When the chemicals are inhaled, they put our bodies into a state of physical stress by sending literally thousands of poisons, toxic metals and carcinogens streaming through our bloodstream with every puff we take. This affects our blood pressure and our pulse rate. It also affects our heart.
Cigarettes contain CARCINOGENS, which can aggressively cause cancer. Cigarettes also contain, BENZENE, which is found in pesticides and gasoline, PESTICIDES, we use on our lawns and gardens, which are also inhaled into our lungs via smoke from cigarettes. FORMALDEHYDE is used to preserve dead bodies, which also causes our nose and throat irritation from cigarette smoke. Also TOXIC METALS are also found in cigarettes, which carry an extra punch of danger for anyone breathing it. Other chemicals that are found in cigarettes are: AMMONIA, used in cleaning products and fertilizers, CARBON MONOXIDE, present in car exhaust, HYDROGEN CYNAIDE, use in gas chambers to put people to death,