My heritage comes from three basic ancestorys which are Italian german and Mexican. For this project iam deciding to change from a highschool boy in lovely Stockton, California to a Italian boy who goes to a highschool in Genoa italy. The highschool iam deciding to attend is Istituto B. Pascal - Liceo di Zinco Maria. The reason I chose genoa italy is because out of all three of my main ethnicitys Italian is the strongest. Out of my grandparents and parents they all seem to lean toward the Italian race as the dominant tradition probably because the males are the Italians. My heritage from italy came from my great gradparents who moved from genoa italy right after world war one ended. Before they made the descion to make such a big move from moving to a different country my grandfather was a working man a farmer. From what I gathered he was eduacated through elementary then after that he went straight to the ranch. Then when he was about 26 he was drafted in the Italian military to fight in ww1 after the war ended he saw that Europe was in rubal so he decided the best thing for him and his wife is to move to the us. They took a ship to new york then moved to half moon bay California starting a ranch. But with all that iam going to act like after all that they decided to stay in italy. The highschool I have chosen and listed above is Istituto B. Pascal - Liceo di Zinco Maria. At this highschool students are specialist in the social field. What this means is they want to either attend a university or they want to work in nurseries, instituations for children, and residential homes for older people. At this highschool it from what I read is a 5 year school instead of the 4 we are use to in the us. The most poplular and main subject at this school is educational physcology. The school lies in Voghera, a town in the middle of Oltrepò Pavese. This small area, is formed by the Apennine foothills beyond the River Po and is known for its wine salam and almond cake. The school building is actually a villa and students are welcomed to live on campass. The school courses I would be taking is Liceo Classico (classical studies) which is taking a foreign language for the entire five year duration of highshool.
Liceo Scientifico (scientific studies) which is scientific technological course that shows the domains of technology and applied sciences. Liceo Artistico (fine arts studies) Figurative arts focuses on themes such as the keeping and saving of Italy's cultural tresures. Architecture, design and environment. Liceo delle Science Umane (liberal arts studies) focuses on the key spots of human based sciences. Liceo Musicale e Coreutico (music and choir studies) which is to teach students the impotance and history of music. The hours I will be attending school are about from 8 am to about 1:30 some schools also have school on Saturday from 8 to about 12. Italians view the united states as very close friends. Basically after 1945 and the end of world war 2 the united states has a huge influence on italy. The influences from America to italy are military, political, and gradually in culture and lifestyle. But even before 1945 the U.S. has relations with italy until the short break during world war 2. For me if I was a Italian highschool boy my views of the U.S. would be great. The American people seem to me as cultural leaders in the world with the music and television/movie industries influences. Also there are