As a consumer when we use a kiosk for a transaction, we expect it to provide us with a level of service or actions at least on a par with a proficient sales person or staff. If this is what we expect when we use a kiosk or similar device, then any design or implementation we are involved in must be done to the same or a higher level. After an introductory exposure to the requirements needed to meet the expectations of those who will be using the kiosk, our efforts need to be directed to create a device that meets or exceeds those expectations. In order to meet these expectations our first step is to thoroughly understand what is anticipated and needed to meet the expectations of potential users. In order to accomplish this we will need to conduct market research to truly find out what is expected by potential customers. Our design will need to attract potential customers and create an interest in products that are promoted or displayed. The clients’ initial impression will be an important part of this task. If the kiosk fails to attract the customers and impress them, it will simply become a device that takes up room. In order to maximize the any benefits that we may receive from the kiosk, we need to select the proper location and provide proper exposure for the kiosk. No matter how well designed it is or the bells and whistles it may have, if it’s in a poor location and lacks exposure, the kiosk is going to be a failure. Selecting the correct placement for the kiosk is an important decision. Selecting the proper location for the kiosk is very important. By providing potential customers opportune access to the kiosk and by selecting the proper configuration for its intended use the maximum benefit from the kiosk will be received. In addition to any revenue generated by the kiosk, the related sale that it will promote increases its value notably. Another consideration in choosing the location is providing an area that promotes ease of use by handicapped individuals. Although the store we do most of our shopping at doesn’t make much use of kiosks, it would be a strong benefit for handicapped shoppers. My uncle falls in this category. Although not completely handicapped, he still needs to use an electric cart to go grocery shopping. He is able to stand, but has to take a pick up tool along with his cane for stabilization to reach some of the higher items. Kiosks would serve well in this store. Because of its proximity we use it