IT and Marketing
Ray Ruiz
May 3, 2013
Fred Bennett
IT and Marketing
The goal of marketing for every business is to identify a product or service to specific segment of people that can produce a profit. With the advancement in information technology, new methods of marketing are available to companies. Social marketing tools such as social networking sites, blogs, email, and online forums have made it possible to reach various consumers in real time. IT systems proved many benefits to a company’s marketing.
The creation of the Internet has allowed marketing departments of businesses the opportunity to expand their reach. Using tools such as social networking sites and blogs helps businesses reach many more customers with less effort than in the past. Previously, companies relied on television commercials and traditional mail services to deliver brochures and coupons in order to advertise to customers. With the popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, companies can reach consumers through their favorite websites. Social media companies like Facebook track and monitor a users search history and common purchases. This information is then sold to businesses that can use the data to produce and deliver more targeted products. This type of marketing is known as hyper targeting. The advertisements on these sites are based on demographic information that is in the users profile. For example, a costumer that has a profile that displays pets or pet friendly information on it would provide data to a company that if they presented advertisements for pet products, that consumer would most likely make a purchase.
Email marketing is also a simple and cost effective way to reach costumers. Many consumers appreciate receiving coupons and deals online. This prevents them from receiving an over abundance of physical mail at their residence. While email has not completely replaced the traditional mail delivery method of brochures, coupons, and deals, it has made it possible for business to reach more consumers than traditional mailing alone.
In order for a company to maintain a positive online reputation it is important for the business to provide quality advertisements with consent. Requesting the consumer’s permission