A disaster is defined as a sudden, unplanned catastrophic event that renders the organizations ability to perform mission-critical and critical processes, including the ability to do normal production processing of systems that support critical business processes. A disaster could be the result of significant damage to a portion of the operations, a total loss of a facility, or the inability of the employees to access that facility. The disaster recovery process consists of defining rules, processes, By doing so it will have everyone involved better prepared in the event of a real disaster and hopefully avoid any confusion.
3 Checklists
Checklists will be used to keep the disaster recovery plan fresh in the minds of those involved. Though you may have known exactly what to do 6 months ago in a disastrous event, that knowledge may not be fresh in your mind and you may miss a step. By quizzing people and having them go over their personal checklist of duties periodically will be highly beneficial to Sunica Music and Movies.
4 Parallel testing
Parallel testing is used to implement a new system at the same time a current and active system is running. This is test to see if the new system is going to be able to handle the operations properly. I do not see the need to run this type of testing on the system that is in place at Sunica Music and Movies. This type of testing may be used in the future to improve the company’s inventory or accounting if a newer system is developed that outperforms the existing system, but as of right now I do not see the need for it.
5 Full interruption
A full interruption is actually pulling the plug on the existing system, not just a simulation, and seeing how the disaster recovery performs. I think that this is necessary just to check and see if it is going to do exactly what it should do. Just because something sounds good on paper does not always make it so. Many
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