Essay about IT 210 Week 7 CheckPoint Chapter 5 Programming Problems

Submitted By diamon706
Words: 502
Pages: 3

IT 210 - Checkpoint: Chapter 5 Programming Problems


1. Display the Program Title – “Student Test Score Program”
2. Student Name
3. Display Grade File – “Test Scores”
4. Calculate Student Grade – “Test Scores”
5. Display Student Grade Total


Student Name (real)
Student Test Score (real)


Student Test Score (real)

\\This module displays the program title and instructions. In addition it calls an input module
\\that allows to user to interactively input data into a data file and subsequently calculates
\\the students grades based on the user input.
\\ once the input and calculation modules are
\\complete, the test scores totals are displayed and the control is transferred to the main module
\\the program ends.
\\the user will be able to view the student’s total grades and the program is ended

Main Module

Declare Student Name as string
Declare Test1 as integer
Declare Test2 as integer
Declare Test3 as integer

“Write “Welcome to the Student Test Score program”

Call Student Grade File Call Calculate Student Grade Call Display Student Grades

End program
End Main Module Program Open “GRADES” For Output As TestScores Set Test1, Test2, Test3 = 0 Write “Enter students name and test scores separated by commas.” Write “Enter ZZZ for students name when finished.” Input StudentName, Test1, Test2, Test3 While StudentName <> “ZZZ” Write TestScores, StudentName, Test1, Test2, Test3 Write “Enter students name and test scores separated by commas.” Write “Enter ZZZ for students name when finished.” Input StudentName, Test1, Test2, Test3 End While Close TestScores

Declare StudentName as string
Declare Test1 as integer
Declare Test2 as integer
Declare Test3 as integer

Open “GRADES” For Output as TestScores Set Test1, Test2, Test3 = 0 Write “Enter students name and test scores separated by commas.” Write “Enter ZZZ for students name when finished.” Input John Doe, 98, 90, 75 While StudentName <> “ZZZ” Write Test Scores, John Doe, 98, 90, 75 Write “Enter students name and test scores