IT 210 Week 3 CheckPoint Sequential and Selection Processing Control Structure Essay

Submitted By diamon706
Words: 359
Pages: 2

Process: 1. Display title of program
2. Display directions
3. Get employee salary
4. Calculate taxes on salary
5. Output salary and total tax
EmployeeSalary (real: Salary)

Total Taxes (real: Taxes)
Input-Process-Output Chart
Salary (from keyboard)
Get Salary
Calculate Taxes
Salary, Taxes
Output Taxes
Salary, Taxes (to display)

Main Module

Calculate Salary Flow Chart

Main program Declare EmployeeSalary as real
Declare taxes as real
Call Get Employee Salary Module
Call Calculate Taxes Module
Call Output Taxes Module End main module Get Salary Write “Please Enter Employee Salary: “
Get EmployeeSalary End Get Salary Calculate Salary Declare Base_Tax as real
Declare ExcessSalaryAmount as real
Declare Tax Percent as real if(Salary <= 0 OR Salary >= 15000.00)
Display “Invalid Salary”
Set Base_Tax = 0.0
Set Tax Percent = 0.0
Set ExcessSalary = 0.0 else(EmployeeSalary <= 1499.99)
Set Base_Tax = 0.0
Set Tax Percent = .15
Set ExcessSalary = Salary else(EmployeeSalary <= 2999.99)
Set Base_Tax = 225.00
Set Tax Percent = .16
Set ExcessSalary = Salary – 1500.00 else(EmployeeSalary <= 4999.99)
Set Base_Tax = 465.00
Set Tax Percent = .18
Set ExcessSalary = Salary – 3000.00 else(EmployeeSalary <= 7999.99)
Set Base_Tax = 825.00
Set Tax Percent = .20
Set ExcessSalary = Salary – 5000.00 else(EmployeeSalary <= 14999.99)
Set Base_Tax = 1465.00
Set Tax Percent = .25
Set ExcessSalary = Salary – 8000.00

Set TotalTaxes= Base_Tax + (ExcessSalary*Tax Percent) End Output Taxes