Isaac Tillman
US Gov. Per.2
September 22, 2014 Good morning, my name is Isaac James Tillman. I was born on may 29 at Kaiser hospital. I have one brother and three sisters. Three words I would use to describe myself would have to be confident, ambitious, and melow. A personal goal I have for myself is to be successful in life and break the family train of negativity. I will achieve this goal each day I persue my dreams. This is my goal because it's what is going to make my future worth living and it's whats going to motivate the rest of my family to do better things. I will achieve my goal by graduating from high school, going to college, and getting a well paying job. There will be many obsticales in the way from me achieving my goals, but the end result will be worth the pain. A personal interest I have is phsychology. Knowing how the mind work and the different things it can do amuses me. Having a deeper understanding of the mind will give me a better vision on life. I started liking phsychology at a young age and it has always been something that caught my attension. I enjoy phsychology because it's a very interesting subject that I'm looking to go to college to study. Phychology has always been something I've been wanting to study ever since I was younger. A personal achievement I have is winning a star stellar award from the district office. I was awarded this sophomore year for excelent leadership. It took a lot to be able to be recognized by the