“An investigation into Microfinance and its effect on sustainable development in India ”
Theme 6: Key Idea 2. Women have a significant role to play in development.Key Idea 3. The education of a population is integral to its sustainable development.
Page 1: Sources
Page 2: 1.0 – Abstract2.0-2.1 – Terms of reference
Page 3: 3.0 – Collection of resources
Page 4: 4.0 – About Microfinance 5.0 – The economy and MFI operation within India
Page 5: 5.1 – The economy and MFI operation within India cont.
Page 6: 5.2-5.3 – The economy and MFI operation within India cont.
Page 7: 6.0-6.2 – Promotion of gender equality
Page 8: 7.0 – Promotion of education & training
Page 9: 7.1-7.2 --Promotion of education & training cont.8.0-8.2 – Criticisms of the current market
Page 10 8.3-8.4 – Criticisms of the current market9.0-9.3 – Conclusion
Page 11 9.3 – Conclusion cont. 10.0 – Recommendations1. Give the incentive for borrowers and lenders to pursue new, rapidly growing industries such as retailing and the tertiary sector2. Keep high supply of finance for female borrowers.3. Create transparency for MFIs and respond to any exploitation of borrowers.
SOURCE 1:http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/95-per-cent-below-poverty-line-andhra-pradesh/1/164651.html Newspaper article: India Today
SOURCE 2:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microcredit Wikipedia on Microcredit/ Microfinance
SOURCE 3:http://www.themix.org/publications/microbanking-bulletin/2008/12/how-many-mfis-and-borrowers-exist-updated-dec-2008 Article by the mix
SOURCE 4:http://www.ibef.org/artdispview.aspx?in=1&art_id=32908&cat_id=128&page=1 Article by India's Brand Equity Foundation
SOURCE5:http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/apcity/unpan024234.pdf article from the UN
SOURCE 6:http://www.grameen-info.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=336&Itemid=373 Article from Grameen Bank (founded by Mohammed Yunus)
SOURCE7:http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/sites/default/files/images/WiSESCUKBriefingFINAL110912.pdf Article from Save The Children charity
SOURCE8: http://www.younglives.org.uk/where-we-work/india An article from Young Lives a charity run Microfinance institute
SOURCE9: http://www.michaelfullan.com/media/13396035630.pdf A report on education by Michael Fullen, PhD in sociology
SOOURCE10:http://www.lendwithcare.org/info/how_it_works An article on pros and cons of lending strategiesSOURCE11: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2010-10-15/news/27621807_1_mfis-suicide-credit-flow An article on suicide correlation with defaulting payments and high debts.1.0 - AbstractIn this report I will be investigating the impact of Microfinance, focusing on India, with minimal focus on the state of Andhra Pradesh (AP). Situated in the south east of India it is one of the poorest regions and Microfinance lending has benefitted many of its inhabitants. I will be analysing the impact of Microfinance schemes on the wider community in India and looking at the direct and indirect effects it can have on the population of India's economy, healthcare and education. 2.0 - Terms of reference
This report is written with the intention of investigating the issues surrounding Microfinance; targeted at India's Ministry of Finance and the Indian government. The report will be particularly looking at the reasons influencing Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) to take part in the industry e.g. for profit or to promote social development. There will be some focus on the impacts it has on the state of Andhra Pradesh. According to India's 2011 census; out of AP's population of 84,600,000, a proportion of 95% of these people live below the Indian poverty line of under $3 a day (1) . The main industries in India and AP will be explored, looking into what kind of work MFIs promote through lending in the regions and why. This will also include some study into why part of the population need MFIs to borrow