Do you have any recollection or memory of your own self before you were born? Do you remember shifting through a menu similar to that of McDonald’s and selecting the color of your hair? What about the color of your skin, or maybe your height? Of course you don’t. However, if you were given the opportunity to completely change the person you’ve worked hard to mold into what you currently call you, would you take it? Again, you most likely wouldn’t. Your physical body, your thoughts, imagination, personality--all make up the whole you. You didn’t choose to be you, you just are. Sadly, throughout the course of history, we, as a collective society, have scrutinized those who were considered “different” simply because we were scared. No matter…show more content… Through a survey Kinsey conducted, he found that 30% of males had experienced at least sexual climax while engaging in a homosexual act. Thus, the Kinsey Scale of Sexuality was created from these results. This scale categorized individuals in a spectrum ranging from 100% heterosexual to 100% homosexual[7]. These results are hardly relevant to the circumstances of our present time because we now know that individuals may exhibit a range of sexual behaviors. However, this was a step in the right direction to understanding the complexity of sexual orientation. Social science researcher Karen Hooker took things even further. She created the first tests that challenged the idea that homosexuality was a socially created characteristic. Under a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health, the tests were executed in 1957. Hooker studies both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Both groups were equivalent to each other in terms of age, IQ, and education level. After the participants were gathered, they were subjected to three psychological tests: The Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test, and the Make-A-Picture-Story test. The results of Hooker’s experiment yielded no significant differences between the two groups’ answers to the tests. Furthermore, because the groups scored so similarly, she concluded that there
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“Alternative Lifestyle, And Why Many Believe The “Choice” Is Genetic.” Abstract A person’s sexual orientation used to be called sexual preference. Now the two terms display great and significant differences in the manner which a person’s sexuality evolves. A preference is something that is chosen, orientation is something that defines us. Sources assume this mystery question is a solved scientific problem with evidence pointing toward a biological /genetic reason and basis for a homosexual orientation…
Third Essay Assignment The movie “The Wedding Banquet” had a very interesting depiction and interpretation of the Asian reaction to homosexuality in traditionalist culture. Before watching the film, I didn’t know how homosexuality was received in traditional Asian culture so I was curious to find out how Wai Tung’s parents would act knowing that their son was in a sexual and romantic relationship with another male. In one really crucial scene to the advancement of the plot, Wei Wei lies onto of…
care. The main argument against homosexuality is that it is “unnatural” or “out of the ordinary.” To many people homosexuality is a willful choice. Some may think it is due to psychological damage. But to the homosexuals themselves, it is neither a choice, nor a disease. It is an identity. To them, homosexuality is not just a behavior; it is a part of who they are. They want to be accepted for who they are, not for what they are. My view is that homosexuality can either be accepted or rejected…
positive way when it comes to homosexuality. Civil rights movements had dominated the United States since the civil war when African Americas won their right to freedom. In the 1960’s the civil rights movement for equal rights of African Americans began and shortly to follow was the fight for women’s rights, these movements paved the way for homosexuals to start their movement. It was shaky in the beginning with Stonewall, but since then America has come to accept homosexuality as an equal minority with…
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sexual orientation, whether heterosexual of homosexual, shouldnt prevent them from having equal human rights. Homosexuality is a sexual or platonic relation of the representatives of the same sex. The attitude of the public towards homosexuality is extremely different: there are people who support it or are simply tolerant about it, the others are radically against of homosexuality supporting their idea with the religious views and cultural aspects. Although gays and lesbians entered the mainstream…
Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality Kelley Smith PSY/265 February 1, 2015 Nicole Pansey Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality Homosexuality is where a male or female has an attraction to another male or female. They are attracted to the same sex. Male to male and female to female. Homosexuality have been around for many decades. At one point in history being homosexual was viewed as a sin and they were punished. In today’s society gays and lesbians are more accepted…
Survival of the Fabulous Homosexuality is a worldwide controversial topic that is continuously being argued, whether it is morally correct or not. After watching the video “Survival of the Fabulous”, it is in my opinion that being gay is a decision made by one’s own self. It is with popular belief that being gay is something you are born with, but no DNA tests can be done to prove this theory. In my opinion, being gay is a choice made by one’s own self. A person will become attracted to males…
Homosexuality: Nature vs. Nurture Jason Hwang Shoreline Community COllege Homosexuality: Nature vs. Nurture It is commonly known that a couple is made up of a man and a woman. It has always been this way since the beginning of man; even in the Bible, it is written that God created Adam, a male, and Eve, a female, declaring that man should not have to live without a female counterpart, and that they belong together. Man would simply not exist if it were not for this…