Essay on Ir Theory Article Review-Doyle

Words: 1083
Pages: 5

Doyle, M. ‘Liberalism and World Politics’, American Political Science Review, 1986, vol. 80(4), pp. 1151-69


17th October 2011.

Doyle, M. ‘Liberalism and World Politics’, American Political Science Review, 1986, vol. 80(4), pp. 1151-69

Michael Doyle, author of this article was one of the first IR theorists in modern era to analyze the assumptions on liberal peace focusing mainly on Kant’s idea. The John Hopkins University published this article in 1986. In this paper I will summarize the article and give analysis on key points that drive the main arguments in

However, he predicts the ever-widening pacification of a liberal pacific union, explains that pacification (Doyle, 1986:1157). He also suggests why liberal states are not pacific in their relations with non-liberal states (Doyle, 1986:1157). He goes on to say that never ending peace will be assured by the acceptance of “three definitive articles” of peace (Doyle, 1986:1157). The first definitive article requires the basis of the states civil constitution to be republican, where there is a combination of moral autonomy, individualism, and social order. The Second definitive article requires the establishment of peace by the liberal republic by means of pacific federation, or unions that will establish peace within a federation of free states and maintain the rights of each state. The third definitive article surrounds around the cosmopolitan law and the pacific union operating. Here Kant explains that foreigners should not be treated with hostility when they arrive another states territory, hence he proposes that the cosmopolitan law should have conditions for universal hospitality (Doyle, 1986:1158). Doyle concludes by summarizing the three theoretical traditions of liberalism attributed to the three theorists. From his analysis of the three theoretical frameworks he is in favor of Kant’s liberal internationalism. He gives similarities and differences between these theoretical traditions, Schumpeter’s humans are rationalized,