The way that we construct our identity through our actions is the way that we speak or the way that we carry ourselves, and the way that our emotions show. Chris McCandless however never really showed his emotions. Instead Chris would always try to push away the people that tried to get close to him. In the novel “Into the Wild” Krakauer did not introduce Chris’s parents to us right away, but instead Krakauer let the story go on to about halfway so that we’d be more interested on them and their view on Chris. We however weren’t able to really hear what they had to say about Chris and Krakauer depicted Chris to us about his angelic ways. His parents did not even say if he was good or bad. Chris McCandless did not have that many interests or values other than the gun and the rice that he took with him when he left on his journey.
The only interest Chris had was to travel and be free. Chris McCandless wanted to be free to explore the natural world which is well respected by me. People can construct their own interests and values by the sentimental value that they have towards those items or objects. One could even value themselves if they wanted to do so, just because they are alive today. Chris McCandless seems to have expressed this thought in the novel seeing as though he burned all of his riches. In doing so Chris portrayed to us that he was just happy to be alive. An old saying says that people’s actions will speak for themselves when words can’t. So we go back to Chris’s values before he left everything behind. Chris’s values consisted of Cross Country and also his friends that he has known for just about his whole life. His friends always had seemed to grow closer towards Chris but Chris made sure that he would have no more connections with his friends and family anymore. There was also even a time when Chris had bought his dad a telescope gift. If Chris didn’t value his father the way the novel makes it out to then I don’t know what value is. In the novel “Into the Wild” the story depicts Chris and his dad always disagreeing on such the simplest things. I mean you wouldn’t just go buy something for someone that you didn’t value an expensive present just for nothing. They must have to mean something to you. All those people and all those things meant something to Chris McCandless but for some reason it may have seemed as though he didn’t wanted that kind of attention. Maybe he thought that all of that was too easy. Chris McCandless must have wanted something more challenging like to prove himself or something. It could have been that he wanted to exclude himself from society so that he could prove that he could make it on his own and that he didn’t need loved ones to show him the way. In the many articles that there are today they describe Chris as a lazy thieving poacher, which is hard to have that sort of opinion seeing as though one did not go through the same experience no one was him so how would they know what he was feeling at the time. There is a stage in a persons life in which they just want to be left alone for ranges of times whether is short range or long range.
Most people do this in order to find their inner self and Chris McCandless must have been doing something similar to this. Critics will always talk I mean isn’t that what they get paid to do most of the time. Society and the media tend to focus more on the bad outcome rather than the good. They feel as though they can get of a story if they twist it around too. The good news takes slower to spread than the bad news in this world. Our beliefs are what we make them out to be. Every living individual has their choosing in which how they want their life to turn out for the most part.
By the time a child’s adult years start to begin they should know more so of what they want to do and Chris was all grown up but society wants us to believe the
Emily Ms. A Pre AP English II 7th Period Into the Wild There are some people among us that are different; they don’t seem to fit in the normal standards that our society is based on. The non-fiction novel Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer describes in detail the epic but tragic journey of Chris McCandless, a young man who didn’t seem – or want to conform to the conventional ways of modern life. Some critics argue that he was simply ignorant; he walked out of a potentially great life…
Into The WildPrompt: Explain why Chris makes the decisions he does that results in his death. Leave the reader with a sense of how they should feel about Chris and his decisions. “Into The Wild Assessment” Throughout the book Into The Wild the main character, Chris McCandless, makes many decisions that most people in society would not choose to make. However, there is reasoning as to why Chris made the decisions he did, both before and during his journey, leading up to his death in Alaska. After…
Gonzales1 Maple Gonzales Mrs. Flowers CSU ERWC 27 February 2015 Prompt 2: You Only Live Once Most people live by the saying “YOLO”, but Chris McCandless took it to the next level. In the story, “ Into The Wild ” by Jon Krakauer, Chris McCandless goes on an extreme journey that ended up being a tragic story. McCandless is not a foolish person for doing what he wanted to do with his life because we are all born to do different things, be different people. His adventure was a getaway…
The Long Walk into the Wild I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all…
Into the Wild Reaction Essay The book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is a book about Chris McCandless’ experience and his life choices. Chris went to Alaska to live in solitude and get away from civilization. He wanted to live off the land and face the Alaskan wilderness and the forces of nature. Chris McCandless’ experiences reveal valuable life lessons about how you should keep your goals in sight and do not give up on those goals, do not listen to other people’s opinions about your dreams,…
What if you decided one day to abandon everything you have and move into the wild, where were you go? In the book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer a unique man named Chris McCandless chose an answer for this question, and decided to survive in the alaskan wilderness. Lots of people believed he was crazy ,but he wasn't alone. Chris is very similar to everett ruess which proves that he is not crazy. Chris and Everett are similar in many ways. First way you can say Chris and Everett are similar…
Eng60B Mr. Crosby 9-5-14 Chris McCandless, the subject of Jon Krakauer in Into the Wild, was not ignorant or unprepared, but he was going out into the wilderness to find the true meaning of life and to see what it was like to live out in the wild on his own. Chris was a great role model for kids all across the country; because he was trying to live out his dream and do what he thought was right in the wild and would not listen to what anyone told him to do. Chris McCandless was a loving and caring…
Intimacy? In his book Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer shows Christopher McCandless as a complex young man who left all his possessions behind and began a trek across part of the United States, which would eventually lead him to his demise in Alaska. During his journey, McCandless encounters numerous friendly individuals who offer him shelter and comfort, which his home could provide, but Chris rejected it. However these same relationships included complexities and touch on conflicts that Chris largely…
all. I agree with the author as it is the ultimate end to life itself and nobody can be there for someone when they die. I believe the essay from which the quote comes from is related to Into the Wild because the author knows how the fear of death can grip you in it's claws. The Author of Into the Wild describes that he has felt “stiff with fear” and commented on that “ the idea of my own death was still largely outside of my conceptual grasp .” sitkine “There was something grand and barbaric in…
Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer is a nonfiction story. A significant theme I found in Into the Wild is Chris’s desire for exploration, and explanation of true happiness, freedom, and beauty. Christopher also wanted to travel, because he wanted to find out about mankind and get away from society. The main character Christopher did some unusual things many that led others to believe that Christopher was crazy, insane, or mentality ill. Despite what he did he was well educated, and highly respected…