Interview: Management and Box Office Department Essay

Submitted By Kevin-D'Costa
Words: 329
Pages: 2

October 5th, 2013
Interview 1 – 17:00

Charles: How long have you been with the box office?
Jim : Since November of 2011
C : What was your first role In the box office department?
J: The role of a Box office manager was a non-existent prior to Jim’s arrival in 2011.
C: What is the problem?
J: The system is very complex. Two separate systems are currently in use. MAX enterprise and KX , they are used to book field ,ice ,gym and conferences in the Oland center.
C: How many people work at the box office at a time?
J: One person usually, aside from major events.
C: What do they book?
Ice bookings, field and gym bookings, Accommodation and events.
C: How many managers?
J: 2 Managers during game shifts.
C: How many rooms booked per year?
J: Nearly 2000 bookings over the year; May-August being the busiest months with over 1000 bookings for Governor’s and other rooms across campus.
C: What is done manually?
J: If customers require a refund when using the vending machines in the oland center, the entry system to generate the refund is a manual process.
C: What rules do the managers have that regular employees don’t?
J: Regular employees can only view events. Managers can book and cancel events.
C: What is the level of management in the system?
J: Mary has access to delete users and change rates. Whereas Bob has limited use.
C: When was the last time the box office implemented a new system?
J: Last implementation was